Discussion Questions for Convocation
(to turn in at the start of class on Tuesday)
Discussion questions are written responses to targeted questions
that are due in advance of a class discussion (so you may wish to make a
copy for yourself to use during class).
These may be hand written, informal notes.
- What aspects of convocation relate to science or mathematics? List all.
- Were any aspects of convocation controversial? If so, explain.
- Did anyone define Convocation and/or it's purpose?
If so, list all who did and summarize what they said about it.
- What did you most enjoy about Wayne Henderson's speech? Explain.
- What did you least enjoy about Wayne Henderson's speech? Explain.
- Name at least one item from convocation
that surprised you, that you disagreed with, or that you had a question
(and comment on your reactions)
- What resonated with you the most at convocation? Explain.