Discussion Questions for Science/Math in the Media

Discussion questions are written responses to targeted questions that are due in advance of a class discussion (so you may wish to make a copy for yourself to use during class). These may be hand written, informal notes.

First choose one article you are interested in from one of the following sources:
  • Science Times (The New York Times)
  • Controversies in Science (The Guardian)
  • Tony Phillips' Take on Math in the Media (American Mathematical Society)
  • Math Digest: On Media Coverage of Math (American Mathematical Society)
    1. List the title of the article, the date of the article, and which of the above links it came from.
    2. What interested you in the article you chose?
    3. Write down a brief summary of the article that concisely describes the content and scope in an abbreviated form (aimed at those who haven't read the article yet, but might want to). You'll share your brief summary during class.