Online Assessment Only If the University Cancels our Final Exam

As of Tuesday morning, the university sent out an email that they are operating under normal conditions. If the university holds classes then we will meet at 11 as scheduled. However, if they cancel, then we will try to replicate aspects of the session as follows. Please note that you should follow the latest messages from the university--I could be incommunicado, like while I am driving in, during an announcement. I'll post any updates, if any are needed, as I'm able.
  1. Create a Video of you presenting your project
    Pretend you are presenting to the class in real time, but these can be more polished since you can plan, re-record and make revisions if needed.

    Recording from a phone, computer, or tablet is the method I would expect many to use. Another option is the library tech desk, which allows you to check out digital equipment, including camcorders. The library also has private studyrooms with whiteboards that you can book and record in. I can also help you film during office hours or Zoom hours--for example we could set up my laptop to record you.

  2. Upload your video to your school YouTube channel as follows:
    First be sure that you are logged in to your school gmail account.
    Then upload your video.
    Change the privacy setting to Unlisted and copy the web address for the video.

  3. Then send the class the video link by Wednesday at the latest in the ASULearn Announcements/Discussion Forum (the Entire Class)

  4. Spend approximately one hour watching other videos and conducting peer review.

  5. By Thursday at the latest, send me forum postings in the ASULearn Private Forum (only you and Dr. Sarah) with your
    a) project and annotated bibliography
    b) self evaluation
    c) peer review
    d) university-sponsored activities reflection.

    Have a great break! My office hours are always open to you in the future--feel free to stop by anytime.