Research Project 1: Data Collection in the Summer Reading Book Using Two Lenses

You may work alone or in a group of two people.

Lens 1: Science and Mathematics

Lens 2: What Impacts Success in Farming

Part A (Research Notes) Research the occurrences of each lens in the book. For each occurrence, write down the page number (or range of page numbers) and briefly summarize the connections in your own words. The Google book search inside feature may be helpful in finding some references but additional connections can only be found by skimming through the text. These research notes may be informally handwritten. For example, notes for Lens 1 would include
p. 118: rabbit-breeding cycles math

Part B (Analysis) In a publication-quality typed exposition, briefly summarize the author's treatment of each lens in the book (maximum of 1/2 page single-spaced for each lens).

Your project needs to be in your own (and your partner if you choose to have one) words. Part B needs to be typed and printed. Utilize single-spacing to save paper.
I am always happy to help and you can also obtain help at the university writing center.

Connection to the Course and General Education Goals for FYS
Builds research skills
Utilizes two modes of inquiry
In addition, this project connects to the following objectives:
I. A. Recognize, differentiate, and effectively employ appropriate and increasingly sophisticated strategies to collect and interpret information;
II. B. Use writing effectively to discover and develop ideas and to articulate positions in contexts of increasingly complexity;
IV. C. Collaborate effectively with others in a shared process of inquiry and problem-solving.

Revision Opportunity

You will have the opportunity to revise lens 2 using my suggestions, and this revision will count as 50% of the project grade (with the original version counting 50%). In addition, you will work with a larger group during class to compare and contrast your research and analysis.