Project 3

Find a faculty member on campus who conducts scholarship (broadly defined research) related to your future intended field, to science, or to mathematics, and who is willing to be interviewed in person (you may work in a group of 2 people or you may work alone)

Part 1 - Interview Interview the faculty member in person about

  • the breakthroughs in the professor's scholarly work/research
  • the controversies in the professor's scholarly work/research
  • the scholarly products the professor has to his or her name

    In addition, if possible, obtain a list of these scholarly works, such as a copy of the relevant portion of the professor's curriculum vitae (cv) or resume.

    Your interview may take the form of a video or audio recording, or a typed transcription or summary from notes that you take. If you turn in a file, be sure that I can read it on my Mac.

    Part 2 - Research and Reflection On Mon, October 12, we will spend some class time on part 2 of the project, which will be handed out then. You will then reflect on this research and compare it to the information you obtain in your interview.

    Research the scholarly works of the professor in
    Search 1: the library catalog and
    Search 2: library databases listed in the Subject Guide for the most relevant field.

    If you have have a list of scholarly products (for example from a resume or cv), then compare the products from the cv with the results of the searches:
    1) Check off each work that you find. If you find any additional work that is not already listed, then add that in using the same format as the rest of the cv.
    2) Using Search 1 and Search 2 above, do all of the products appear in the library? If not, put a star next to any missing works.
    3) Search 3: For any products that are not found in the library searches, do they appear on google scholar or via a the general web search? If so, make an X through the star.

    If you do not have a list of scholarly products then
    1) Using Search 1 and Search 2 above, create a bibliography from the library searches (use a consistent format).
    2) Search 3: Search google scholar and the web for additional scholarly works, add them to your bibliography, and put a star next to these works.

    You will turn this in as part of your project.

    Turn In

    1) The interview, either printed or in a format that I can access on my Mac.
    2) The results of research from class on Monday October 12.
    3) Prepare a formal and professional reflection - a) What day and time did you interview the professor? How long did the interview last?
    b) What are the aspects of the interview and research that you found useful, surprising or interesting?
    c) What aspects of the interview and research relate to your own life or future plans? How do these aspects relate?