Breakthroughs and Controversies in Mathematics and Science First Year Seminar Entrance Survey

Course Satisfaction/Enjoyment

As of June 78% of the class had chosen this class as their first choice, 91% marked this course in their top 3, and 100% of the class either chose the class or had listed an intended major that was related. There were a couple of drop/adds since then due to schedule changes.
  1. Did you (or whoever filled out the form for you) choose this class in your top 3?       Yes       No       Not sure

  2. Read the course description on the front board. What topics (related to recent breakthroughs and developments in mathematics and/or science ) would be interesting to you / increase your enjoyment of the course (there is more room on the back to write)?


  1. A scientists work looks like fun to me
    strongly agree           agree           not sure           disagree           strongly disagree          

  2. I have met a scientist
    strongly agree           agree           not sure           disagree           strongly disagree          

  3. There is a scientist who I identify with (that you've read about, seen on TV or in the movies, met...)
    strongly agree           agree           not sure           disagree           strongly disagree          

  4. Scientists usually work alone
    strongly agree           agree           not sure           disagree           strongly disagree          

  5. I would never think of becoming a scientist
    strongly agree           agree           not sure           disagree           strongly disagree          


  1. A mathematician's work looks like fun to me
    strongly agree           agree           not sure           disagree           strongly disagree          

  2. I have met a mathematician
    strongly agree           agree           not sure           disagree           strongly disagree          

  3. There is a mathematician who I identify with (that you've read about, seen on TV or in the movies, met...)
    strongly agree           agree           not sure           disagree           strongly disagree          

  4. Mathematicians usually work alone
    strongly agree           agree           not sure           disagree           strongly disagree          

  5. I would never think of becoming a mathematician
    strongly agree           agree           not sure           disagree           strongly disagree