Tape all components of your project up, including the annotated bibliography.
During your session, you must stand by your project,
to present your project to classmates and answer their questions. During the
other session, you will talk to others about their research and fill out peer
Peer Review: You should spend the entire research session engaging in
discussions and reflections - depth is more important than quantity and the
peer review will be considered as a part of your grade:
- Name of the person and the topic
- List all the controversies in the project
- List all the different places around the world that played a part (global)
- What was your favorite scientific or mathematical breakthrough or person? Why?
- What is your favorite part of their project (if different from 4.)?
- Give positive aspects of the project
- Give suggestions for improvement for the timeline and bibliography
- Give suggestions for improvement for the presentation
- All content appears to be original or cited in the annotated references
[2 = definitely, 1 = could use some improvement, 0 = major improvement
needed here]
- How much time and effort does it look like they
put into their work, as compared to your own effort?
[2 = more than me, 1 = about the same as me, 0 = less than me]
- Invent a question about the project and ask it. Write down your question
and the person's answer.
During your research session, if you are waiting for someone to come hear
you, then listen to your neighbors and do a partial peer review of their
Self Evaluation: Answer the following after you have presented your
- Your name and topic
- What would you have improved about your project?
- What did you feel went well?
- What would you have included with more time and space?