Dr. Sarah's Women and
Minorities in Mathematics Entrance Survey
Answer the following: (I don't know (d.k.) is a VALID answer.)
Do you plan to teach someday?
Name a woman mathematician.
Name four additional women mathematicians.
Name a minority mathematician (African American,
Hispanic American, or Native American).
Name one additional minority mathematician.
Have you ever written a paper
containing mathematics?
Have you taken college physics, chemistry and/or biology courses?
If so, elaborate.
Have you taken any gender and/or race studies college courses?
If so, which?
Circle the dots that apply:
I prefer
applications of mathematics
pure mathematics
no preference
I have taken the following: (If you are taking the course now, write NOW
to the left of the dot that you circle.
Fill in the requested information if you circle a corresponding dot.)
In mathematics classes,
there are no gender or racial differences in student ability
there are gender or racial differences in student ability
other (explain)
Male and female mathematics students are treated
the same by their teachers
differently by their teachers
other (explain)
Male and female mathematics teachers
are treated
the same by their students
differently by their students
other (explain)
Books are
almost always a reliable source for information
often a reliable source for information
sometimes a reliable source for information
almost never a reliable source for information
The web is
almost always a reliable source for information
often a reliable source for information
sometimes a reliable source for information
almost never a reliable source for information