Works Cited

Alic, Margaret. Hypatia’s Heritage: A History of Women in Science from antiquity through the 19th century Beacon Press: Boston, MA. 1986. 196.

Gray, S.I.B. and Tagui Malakyan. "The Witch of Agnesi: A Lasting Congtribution from the First Surviving Mathematical Work Written by a Woman". The College Mathematics Journal. Vol 30, No 4, September 1999. 258-268.

Grinstein, Louise and Paul Campbell. Women of Mathematics: A Bibliographic Sourcebook. Greenwood Press: London, England. 1987. 2.

Kennedy, Hurbert. "The Witch of the Agnesi: - Exorcised". The Mathematics Teacher. Vol. 62. 1969. 480-481.

Smith, Sanderson. Agnesi to Zeno: Over 100 Vignetties from the History of Math. Key Curriculum Press: Berlely, CA. 1996. 109.

Spencer, Roy. "Properties of the Witch of Agnesi: Applications to fitting shapes of spectral Lines". J.O.S.A.: Vol.30, September 1940. 415.

Truesdell,C. "Maria Gaetana Agnesi". Archive for History of Exact Science, 40. 1989. 113-147.