Women in Mathematics Class Highlights

Presentations of Paper 3
Wed 11/17 Danny on Carolyn Gordon and Can you Hear the Shape of a Drum? - Presentation of paper 3 begins
Fri 11/19 Michelle on Jean Taylor and the Geometry of Soap Bubbles
Mon 11/22 Erika on Lenore Blum and using the Euclidean Algorithm to Solve Linear Diophantine Equations
Mon 11/29 Summer on Mary Gray and Radical Rings
Wed 12/1 Ashley on Megan Kerr and Riemannian Geometry, Web links and pictures
Fri 12/3 Valerie on Margaret Wright

HW for Mon 12/6 Feminist Pedagogy in Mathematics Education Chapter 19-23 Rogers Equity in Math Education. (p. 155-208)
HW for Wed 12/8
Enrichment Programs and their effects:
Chapter 2 and 3 from Rogers Equity in Math Education,
Mathematics and Women: The Undergraduate School and Pipeline,
The effects of a summer mathematics enrichment program on hispanic mathematical achievement, by McShea and Yarnevich, Journal of Women and Minorities in Science and Engineering, vol. 5, pp. 175-181, 1999.
The effects of using women role models/achievements in the classrooms.
Feisty Females-Inspriring girls to think mathematically, by Karp, (this is on reserve) and Dr. Sarah's handout.
Examine html documents containing pictures and links from last Wednesday, and discuss final web projects.

Final Web Project Presentations
12/14 Web Project Presentations 3-5 in 203, Exit survey
Danny's Project on Maria Agnesi
Erika's Project on Sophie Germain
Michelle's Project on Olga Taussky-Todd
Sumer's Project on Mary Gray
Valerie's Project on Margaret Wright
Ashley's Project on Megan Kerr

Achieving Gender Equity in Science Classrooms