The genealogy map shows the maethmatical influeneces of Olga Taussky-Todd, and her sutdents.

Julius Placker and Rudolf Lipschitz

C. Felix Kein, Bonn University 1868

Philipp Furtwangler, University of Guttingen 1896

Olga Taussky-Todd, Univeristy of Vienna 1903

Charles Hobby California Institute of Technology 1960
Robert Thompson California Institute of Technology 1960
Lorraine Foster 1964
Edward Bender 1966
Fergus Gaines 1966
Daniel Davis 1969
Donald Maurer 1969
Charles Johnson 1972
Raphael Loewy 1972
Frank Uhlig 1972
Joseph Parker 1976
Helene Shapiro 1979
Philip Hanlon 1981