The Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, Virginia.

Abstract: As our culture begins buying more and more Internet enabled devices for our people, in our cars, homes and office systems; we are wading deeper and deeper into the vulnerable, untested waters of "Internet of Things" (IoT) security. We are now seeing in the news that the safety of our embedded devices are at higher and higher risk of being "hacked", and little is being done with regards to IoT device security until after such systems are hacked and in the news. Cryptography can be used as the walls to ensure the security, confidence and trust in the networked devices. However, this trust is in jeopardy by cryptanalysis techniques. Cryptanalysis is the art of revealing secret information in cryptographic systems. Approximately, 20 years ago, cryptanalysis relied on mathematics techniques to break the crypto-systems. From that point on, the crypto-algorithms have evolved greatly to ensure mathematical strength. However, nowadays, a more important aspect of security is the physical (Hardware/Software) implementation of these algorithms. Physical attacks target the implementation of the crypto-systems in order to accelerate the cryptanalysis. In this talk, we will cover several types and new directions of Physical Attacks that IoT designers and users should all know about. Biography: Nahid Farhady Ghalaty is a fourth year PhD. candidate at the Bradley department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Virginia Tech. Her research is mainly focused on physical cryptanalysis, secure embedded systems, new directions in hardware security, specifically fault attacks and side channel attacks and countermeasures. She received her B.Sc. degree in software engineering from Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz, and her M.Sc. degree in computer architecture from Sharif University of Technology. Her M.Sc. research was on reliability and fault tolerant embedded system designs. She has been the recipient of the best paper in session award at SRC TECHcon 2015. She has been also the recipient of the best poster and presentation award in the Center for Embedded Systems for Critical Applications (CESCA) at 2014 and 2015. She is the author of several papers in international conferences including DATE, FDTC, HOST, COSADE, etc. She has also served as a reviewer to several conferences and journals including FDTC, DAC, CHES and DATE.