STEM Seminar Spring 2025 - Class Activities

Final Presentation and Conference Mon May 5, 2:00-4:30, Student Union

Fri Apr 25 - The Last Class

Fri Apr 18 - State Holiday

Fri Apr 11 - Resilience and Wellbeing Workshop
Topic: Relaxation and Recovery Strategies/ Final Workshop
Dr. Shernita Lee, Mrs. Traci Royster and Dr. Mark Ginn

Fri Apr 4 - Guest Speaker
Dr. Bhuwan Thapa, Goegraphy and Planning, App State

Fri Mar 28 - Resilience and Wellbeing Workshop
Topic: Joy multiplier
Dr. Shernita Lee, Mrs. Traci Royster and Dr. Mark Ginn

Fri Mar 21 - TBD

Fri Mar 14 - Spring Break

Fri Mar 7 - Guest Speaker
Dr. Nazia Sharmin, CS @ Appstate
Title: TBD

Fri Feb 28 - Resilience and Wellbeing Workshop
Topic: Positive Emotions and Savoring
Dr. Shernita Lee, Mrs. Traci Royster and Dr. Mark Ginn

Fri Feb 21 - Guest Speaker
Dr. Nii Okine, Math @ Appstate
Title: The Role of an Actuary
Abstract: The role of an actuary is to safeguard the future against the challenges of the present. Actuaries play a crucial role in managing risk and uncertainty across various industries, particularly in insurance, finance, and pension planning. In this presentation, I will walk you through a simple example of how an actuary calculates a fair premium based on expected loss and risk for life insurance.

Fri Feb 14 - Data Science Series Talk, No. 1
Dr. Rahman Tashakkori, CS @ Appstate
Title: Data Science in STEM: An Overview of How Data Science is Revolutionizing STEM Fields
Data Science is the field that combines computer science, statistics, and domain knowledge to extract meaningful insights from data. Importance of Data Science in decision-making and problem-solving across multiple sectors.

Fri Feb 7 - Guest Speaker
Dr. Daniel Chi-Wei Chen, Department of Biology, Appstate
Title:Boosting Student Engagement and Learning in Biology
This talk highlights how flipped classrooms and interactive tools improve student engagement and learning in biology. It will also discuss key strategies, assessment methods, and future directions for active learning in STEM

Fri Jan 31 - Resilience and Wellbeing Workshop
Topic: Put It In Perspective
Dr. Shernita Lee, Mrs. Traci Royster and Dr. Mark Ginn

Fri Jan 24 - Guest Speaker
Dr. Cara Fiore, Department of Biology, App State

Fri Jan 17 - First Day, Guest Speaker
Dr. Mahsa Mohaghegh, School of Engineering, Computer and Mathematical Sciences, and Director of Women in Tech for the Faculty of Creative Technologies, Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand

Study Halls
Victoriano Ochoa will manages all the Study Halls