MAT 3130 Class Files

Index of /~wmcb/Class/3130/ClassNotes134/Quizzes & Tests


[   ]Quiz1.pdf 
[   ]Quiz2.pdf 
[   ]Quiz3.pdf 
[   ]Quiz4.pdf 
[   ]Test1.pdf 
[   ]Test2.pdf 

(Click on a file name above to view/download it.)
P Fermat G Leibniz I Newton J Fourier A-L Cauchy B Riemann K Weierstrass D Hilbert H Lebesgue W E Kayhote

Last design update: Aug 1, 2012

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This is Bunny, his minion Patch, his henchman Franz, and his wife Bunnina.
Copy Bunny into your signature to help him on his way to world domination.