MAT 3535, Spring 2006

MAT 3535 - §101  Intro to Maple, Matlab, and LATE
Spring, 2006  1 credit hour 
Prerequisite  MAT 1120 or permission of the instructor 
Text  Introduction to Maple, A Heck, Springer-Verlag, 3rd edition
Professor  Dr Wm C Bauldry

Office Hours 

Walker 343 

To be announced and/or by appointment. 
Check my schedule

Contact Info
Phone: 262-2355 {office}
262-3050 leave a message {Dept. of Math. Sciences}
Email: [email protected]
Syllabus An introduction to computer algebra with Maple, to computer matrix manipulations through Matlab and to mathematical typesetting with LATEX. See The Plan 

Will be based on:
  • Attendance & Participation
  • Homework
  • Typeset project    [due Friday, April 28, 2006, at 5:00 pm]
Generic Comments 
  • Cellphones must be turned off during class. 
  • If you find a concept difficult, come in for help. Don't wait until an exam to prove that you do not understand a topic. 
  • If you cannot attend a test, make arrangements before an exam to make it up. There are no post hoc "make-ups". Quizzes will not be made up. Keep track of the days as exams and quizzes may move. 
  • Attendance is not required; however, mathematics can only be learned through active participation - not by osmosis. 

Last update: Wednesday, 01-Feb-2023 08:32:12 EST(WmCB)