MAT 5230, Au '05

Math 5230 - § 101 Linear Algebra
Autumn 2005 3 credit hours
Prerequisites MAT 2240, MAT 3110, or equivalent.
Text Applied Algebra and Functional Analysis, A Michel & C Herget, Dover. (ISBN 0-486-67598-X)
Professor Dr Wm C Bauldry
Office Hours
Walker 343
10:00 am MWF and/or by appointment.
Check my schedule.
Phone &
262-2355 {office}
262-3050 leave a message {Dept. of Math. Sciences}
Syllabus We will cover linear algebra and linear transformations considering material from chapters 1 through 5 and other selections from the text.

1 midterm exam ... 100 pt.
Quizzes, homework,
projects, & reports
... 100 pt.
Comprehensive Final Exam ... 100 pt.

Total ... 300 pt.

The requirements are:
1. Accumulate the necessary points:
90 % : A These are anticipated cut-off scores
80 % : B and may be lowered (but not raised).
70 % : C
2. Pass the final exam (at least 50%)
Homework The Homework Page
Generic Comments
  • If you find a concept difficult, come in for help. Don't wait until an exam to prove that you do not understand a topic.
  • If you cannot attend a test, make arrangements before an exam to make it up. There are no post hoc "make-ups". Quizzes will not be made up. Keep track of the days as exams and quizzes may move.
  • Attendance is not required; however, mathematics can only be learned through active participation - not by osmosis.

Last update: Wednesday, 01-Feb-2023 08:32:10 EST (WmCB)