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MAT 5330, Au 2003

MAT 5330 - § 101  Mathematical Modeling
Autumn, 2003 3 credit hours
Professor  Dr Wm C Bauldry and various others

Office Hours 

Walker 343 

To be announced and/or by appointment. 
Check my schedule

Phone:   262-2355 {office}
              262-3050 leave a message {Dept. of Math. Sciences}

Email: [email protected]

Syllabus Our goal is to provide a context-based introduction to mathematical modeling. There will be a project due (approximately) every two weeks after presentations by various instructors introducing new mathematical tools.

Projects ... 50 pt. each

Total  ... 400  pt. (approx.)

Grades will be based on project evaluations on a A=90%, B=80%, etc., scale.

Last update: Wednesday, 01-Feb-2023 08:32:12 EST(WmCB)