MAT 4340/5340 — §101, Spring '17 (171)
Let us reflect that, having banished from our land that religious intolerance under which mankind so long bled and suffered, we have yet gained little if we countenance a political intolerance as despotic, as wicked, and capable of as bitter and bloody persecutions. |
— Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826) in his First Inaugural Address. |
Homework List
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Week 1
- Wednesday, Jan 18 — First day of class
¤ Group Project: (Due Wednesday, Jan, 25)
Choose one of the Edelman Award nominees from 2016 listed in Edelamn Award Book (2016) OR one of the Edelman Award winners. Find the article describing the winner in the appropriate Jan-Feb issue of Interfaces (Click "Interfaces", then click the "Online Access" link near the bottom of the new page), and write a paragraph or two summarizing the project.
[Some of the articles are in the EdelmanAwards directory.]
- Friday, Jan 18
¤ Finish your report on your Group Project.
◊ Read H&L Chapter 2. (There's a PDF on AsULearn; password is 4340.)
Pg 23; #1c,d,e.
- Monday, Jan 23
◊ Read H&L §3.1, 3.2. (There's a PDF on AsULearn; password is 4340.)
Pg 81; 3.1-2, 3.1-4, 3.1-5, 3.1-7b, 3.1-12, 3.2-5.
- Wednesday, Jan 25
§3.5 (or §3.6 in some editions) describes using a spreadsheet to solve an LP problem.
Pg 81; 3.1-10, 3.4-11 (use Excel for (b)).
- Friday, Jan 27
¤ Solve the "Trucking Problem". (The problem statement includes extraneous information.)
◊ How many possible Corner Points are there in the Trucking Problem
- Monday, Jan 30
◊ Make sure you know LP terminology.
¤ Look in the «Class Notes» directory for the "Simplex Intro" slides from today.
Pg 152; 4.1-1, 4.1-3, 4.1-6, 4.1-8, 4.1-9.
- Wednesday, Feb 1
Pg 152; 4.2-1, 4.2-2.
- Friday, Feb 3
Pg 152; 4.3-3, 4.3-4, 4.3-5.
- Monday, Feb 6
◊ Finish the two sample problems from today's Intro Simplex Part III
- Wednesday, Feb 8
◊ Check out the "Online Simplex Tool" (here are some others:,
¤ A "pivot" command for Maple (can be copy/pasted into a Maple document):- pivot := (M,r,c) -> LinearAlgebra:-RowOperation(LinearAlgebra:-Pivot(M,r,c),r,1/LinearAlgebra:-Pivot(M,r,c)[r,c]);
- Friday, Feb 10
¤ Group Project: School Bussing Allocation (Items 1, 2, and 3.) Due: Monday, Feb 20.
- Monday, Feb 13
◊ Read §5.1, skim §5.2, and read §5.3.
¤ Work on your group project!
- Wednesday, Feb 15
¤ Group project day!
- Friday, Feb 17
¤ Analyze the shadow prices and reduced costs for the Exercise in Shadow Prices and Reduced Costs.
◊ Read §6.1, 6.2
Pg 276, 6.1-1, 6.1-3.
- Monday, Feb 13
◊ Read the AHP notes
◊ Look at Saaty's paper that is linked in the notes.
- Wednesday, Feb 15
¤ Do an AHP analysis using the template in the AHP notes for 4 cars of your choosing.
- Friday, Feb 17
¤ Redo your AHP analysis from Wednesday merging assessments from three different sources.
◊ Read §9.1 Transportation and Assignment Problems
- Monday, Feb 27
Pg 364, 8.1-1, 8.1-3.
- Wednesday, Mar 1
¤ Finish finding the shortest path for the network from class using Dijkstra's Algorithm. (soln)
Pg 426, 10.3-2.
- Friday, Mar 3
¤ Use Dijkstra's Algorithm to determine the shortest routes from the Providence, R.I., airport \((PVD)\) to all other airports on the map of air-routes.
- Monday, Mar 6
¤ Redo the Minimum Spanning Tree example to see if- always choosing the most right vertex when tied leads to a different minimum spanning tree.
- randomly choosing the vertex when tied leads to a different minimum spanning tree.
- Wednesday, Mar 8
¤ Review finding eigenvalues and eigenvectors for our priority matrix for (Seeks Funding, Interpersonal Skills, Work Across Disciplines, Rank of Professor): \[ \begin{array}{cc} over & \begin{matrix} \ ~SF~~ & \ IS~~~~ & \ WD~~~ & \ RP~~~~~ \end{matrix} \\ \begin{matrix} SF \\ IS \\ WD \\ RP \end{matrix} & \begin{bmatrix} 1 & 2/5 & 1/2 & 7/5 \\ 5/2 & 1 & 34/21 & 36/11 \\ 2 & 21/34 & 1 & 3 \\ 5/7 & 11/36 & 1/3 & 1 \end{bmatrix} \end{array} \] Maple: PM := <<1|2/5|1/2|7/5>, <5/2|1|34/21|36/11>, <2|21/34|1|3>, <5/7|11/36|1/3|1>>;
- Friday, Mar 10
¤ Go to Read the "Recent News" section.
- Read the March/April 2017 edition of Analytics
Week 9
- Monday, Mar 20
¤ Determine whether we need to scale our results before or after multiplying by the priority vector, if at all. \[ \begin{array}{r | *4c} & Seeks & Interpersonal & Works~Across & Rank~of \\ & Funding & Skills & Disciplines & Professor \\ \hline \text{Candidate } 1 & 57 & 46 & 53 & 41 \\ \text{Candidate } 2 & 21 & 26 & 28 & 25 \\ \text{Candidate } 3 & 36 & 34 & 33 & 51 \end{array} \] Maple: BC := <<57|46|53|41>, <21|26|28|25>, <36|34|33|51>>;
- Wednesday, Mar 22
¤ Teams write-ups are due at the beginning of class on Friday.- Team 1: AHP + computational complexity
- Team 2: Borda Count
- Team 3: Our Results
- Team Me: Computational techniques: Excel, Maple, & Harmonic Mean
- Friday, Mar 24
¤ Finish the Steroid Drug Testing decision tree:- 10,000 athletes,
- 6% steroid users,
- Test: 95% positive accuracy (5% false positive),
- Test: 97% negative accuracy (3% false negative)
Hint: Bayes' Rule
¡The Poster!
- Monday, Apr 3
- Wednesday, Apr 5
¤ Citing our poster (bibliography style).
- Friday, Apr 7
◊ Inventory Theory slides
¤ Work through the two examples in the slides.
- Monday, Apr 10
◊ The newsboy raises his price to \(p=0.30\) per paper. What is the new optimal order size \(S\)?
◊ Analyze the sensitivity of the optimal \(S\) to \(p\).
- Wednesday, Apr 12
◊ How large does \(n\) have to be for the binomial distribution \(P_n(d) = \binom{n}{d} p^d (1-p)^{n-d}\) to be reasonably approximated by a normal distribution?
¤ By what factor do airlines typically overbook flights?
- Friday, Apr 14
◊ Inventory Theory slides; (complete set).
¤ In the Transcontinental overbooking model, investigate the sensitivity of each paramter individually:- \(p = 0.8\),
- \(r = $300\),
- \( s = $1,000\),
- \( L = 150\).
- Monday, Apr 17
¡No classes Monday or Tuesday! — Ēostre Holiday
- Wednesday, Apr 19
¤ Data Enveloment Analysis (DEA) slides
◊ Determine which 3 CAS departments are the "least/most efficient" in terms of each factor.
U.S. Air Force, Disney receive INFORMS Prize - Friday, Apr 21
¤ DEA Models slides
Using the current data from ASU's IRAP's Factbook website, rerun the DEA analysis of the College of Arts & Sciences.
◊ A&S Data Links:
The U.S. Air Force Academy and The Walt Disney Company received the 2017 INFORMS Prize for their pioneering and enduring integration of operations research (O.R.) and analytics programs into their organizations. The prizes were presented at the INFORMS Conference on Business Analytics & Operations Research in April in Las Vegas. The INFORMS Prize honors effective integration of operations research into organizational decision-making. The award is given to organizations that have repeatedly applied the principles of O.R. in pioneering, varied, novel and lasting ways. READ MORE.
(Love the headline!)
- Monday, Apr 24
◊ Solve the problem from the aCAP sample exam.
18. All times in the decision tree below are given in hours. What is the expected travel time (in hours) of the optimal (minimum travel time) decision?
- 7.8
- 6.9
- 7.4
- 7.0
- Wednesday, Apr 26
◊ Read "Five-Minute Analyst: Modeling zombies"
◊ Read Zombie Diffusion Model
¤ Describe how to simulate the problem in Waste Not, Want Not: Putting Recyclables in Their Place.
¤ Look at the student report Monte Carlo Methods
- Friday, Apr 28
¤ Use Maple to compute the first 50 values calculated by- gcc's implementation of an LCG \[ \begin{cases} x_{n+1} = (a\cdot x_n + b) \mod m \\ x_0 = 8282622355 \end{cases} \] when \(a = 1103515245\), \(b = 12345\), and \(m = 2^{31} - 1\).
- the simple Lagged Fibonacci Generator (LFG) \[ \begin{cases} x_{n+1} = (x_n\cdot x_{n-1}) \mod m \\ x_0 = 8282622355, x_1=758671625 \end{cases} \] when \(m = 2^{31} - 1\).
- Monday, May 1
- Wednesday, May 3 — Last Day of Classes
- Thursday, May 4 — Reading Day
“On two occasions I have been asked, ‘Pray, Mr. Babbage, if you put into the machine wrong figures, will the right answers come out?’ I am not able rightly to apprehend the kind of confusion of ideas that could provoke such a question.”
— Charles Babbage in Passages from the Life of a Philosopher
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Last modified: Wednesday, 01-Feb-2023 08:32:12 EST
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