\nomenclatureentry{a\bf Real Number@[{\bf Real Number}]\begingroup include both rational numbers, such as $42$ and $\frac{-23}{129}$, and irrational numbers, such as $\pi$ and the square root of two; or, a real number can be given by an infinite decimal representation, such as $2.4871773339\ldots$ where the digits continue in some way; or, the real numbers may be thought of as points on an infinitely long number line\nomeqref {0}|nompageref}{1} \nomenclatureentry{a\bf Linux@[{\bf Linux}]\begingroup is a generic term referring to the family of Unix-like computer operating systems that use the Linux kernel\nomeqref {0}|nompageref}{1} \nomenclatureentry{a\bf naive@[{\bf naive}]\begingroup is a French loanword (adjective, form of na\"{\i}f) indicating having or showing a lack of experience, understanding or sophistication\nomeqref {0}|nompageref}{1}