Otsego Electric Company Project

Project Description

In this project, you are an employee of the Otsego Electric Company. You have just left a meeting in which you were assigned the task outlined in the memo below. You must write a report to your supervisor that gives the least cost path and the optimal cost wire size with justification for your choices.

Your team's report is due: Thursday, June 24, by 5:00 pm.

OEC Memo - Internal Use Only

Survey & Allocation Department

Engineering & Construction

Power Line Route

Determine the least cost route and optimum wire size.

Nov 10, 1995.
I. Least Cost Path

The Otsego Electric Company must run a power line from Power Station 23 in Section 34 to the saw mill under construction in Section 26. The saw mill is 2.3 km north and 5.2 km east of the power station; the intervening private land is 1,300 m wide (east-west). The power line must cross private land. The cost of an easement is $0.75 per meter through the state forest and $2.25 per meter on the private land.

Area Map:

II. Optimal Wire Size.

The data you requested from testing is in the following tables.

Here are the figures for wire purchase cost versus size.
AWG Cost $/m Area mcm
000 0.25 167

These are the values for wire heat loss cost versus size.
AWG Cost $/m Area mcm
00 0.2385 105

Go to: Project Report.

Last update: Wednesday, 01-Feb-2023 08:32:09 EST (WmCB)