The Conference
The Nineteenth ICTCM was held in Boston, MA, at the Westin Copley Place.
There was an excellent program with speakers from around the world.
We'll start working on the twentieth as soon as we recover from jet lag.
And hope for a warmer location…
I'll vote for San Diego or San Antonio. Be sure to submit a proposal early: an hour talk, a computer minicourse, a calculator workshop, or a short contributed paper. Keep watch on the ICTCM website (for additional information, email [email protected]) for details about next year — be on the lookout for a special theme for the Twentieth ICTCM!
Our Presentations
“Using Maple in an Analysis for Teachers Graduate Course” — WmCB
Abstract: We will discuss how Maple can be used to enhance a masters level Analysis for Teachers course. Both aspects will be considered: Maple for the student’s use and Maple for the student’s student use. | Slides (pdf) | Class notes (pdf) | Limits (Maple file) | Class material archives |“A Fresh Start for Collegiate Mathematics: Rethinking the Courses Below Calculus” — S. Gordon, F. Gordon, and WmCB
Abstract: The MAA has launched a major initiative to refocus the courses below calculus to provide better mathematical experiences to all students through a greater emphasis on conceptual understanding and realistic applications via mathematical modeling. The panelists will present the rationale and vision for this effort and the activities underway. | Slides (PowerPoint) | CRAFTY’s College Algebra Guidelines (pdf) |“Constructing Maplets, Demonstrated through Cryptography Including AES and RSA” — R. Klima, N. Sigmon, and WmCB
Abstract: We will begin by discussing the Advanced Encryption Standard, and presenting & describing our own Maplets for implementing the AES system. We will then discuss the RSA cryptosystem, and guide participants through the construction of their own Maplets for implementing the RSA system. | AES slides (pdf) | AES Key Structure slides (pdf) |
Read more about the ICTCM 19 program ⇒
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