The LSAMP Internal Advisory Board
Current Internal Advisory Board Members
Dr. Cara Fiore, Assistant Professor of Biology, Co-PI at Appstate
Dr. Mark Ginn, Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education
Dr. Troy Johnson, Vice Chancellor of Enrollment Management
Mr. Rick Sears, Executive Director, IRAP
Dr. Shernita Lee, Assistant Vice Provost for Student Success
Dr. Michael Madritch, Interim-Dean, College of Arts and Sceicnes
Dr. Neva Specht, Acting Provost, PI of the project
Dr. Folarin Oguntoyinbo, Associate Professor of Chemistry, Co-PI at Appstate
Dr. Nii-Armah Okine, Assistant Professor of Mathematics, Co-PI at Appstate
Dr. Rahman Tashakkori, Co-PI at Appstate, Program Director