Homer Changing Dimensions from Treehouse of Horror VI 3F04 (10/30/95)

You should work within a group of 2 so that you can discuss the ideas. Your final writeup (can be done alone or with another person) will be DUE BY FRIDAY. You should attempt to leave lab today with at least a rough draft. Discuss ideas in your group of 2 before attempting to write up your ideas, as I am looking for a thoughtful analysis and writeup. Your lab grade will be based on the clarity, depth and correctness of your responses and your responses to the questions on the other side of this sheet. This does NOT count as a major writing assignment.

Look at questions and then explore the links below to help you.

  • Question 1: Discuss the differences between 2d and 3d Homer and Bart. Be sure to include an in depth discussion that relates shadowing, lighting and physical differences in the 2d and 3d worlds to an explanation of how these differences give the appearance of added depth.
  • Question 2: In the supposedly 2d Simpsons world, what aspects could be used to argue that they are living in a 2d world?
  • Question 3: In the supposedly 2d Simpsons world, what aspects could be used to argue that they are living in a 3d world? (Hint -- think about their movements and behaviors, the world that is represented, and the use of perspective in the bookcase and in the cube that Dr. Frink drew.)

    Pictures of Homer Changing into 3-d and 3-d Homer.
    Text transcript of 3-d Homer segment and Did You Notice? by James A. Cherry
    Text of Pacific Data Images description of the 3-d special
    Text of How did Pacific Data Images do this?

    Dr. Sarah J. Greenwald, Appalachian State University

    Our main site is simpsonsmath.com

    Complete seasons of The Simpsons are being released as DVD box sets.
    Homer3 is available on the Treehouse of Horror DVD.

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