Egg Bungee Jump Regression -
Based on a lab by Dr. Holly Hirst.
Work in a group of 4, but each person should answer the questions on a
separate piece of paper.
Today we will let you decide how
long to make the bungee cord for a fragile jumper -- a raw egg. The goal
is to make it exciting but not fatal for your jumper. A small prize
will be given to the group that gets closest to the ground without harming
their egg. There is only 1 egg per group.
The Experimental Stage Gather your data as follows:
Make 3 jumps each with 2, 3, 4, and 5 rubber bands from a height of 1
meter. You may use a pen and hold it perpendicular to the top of
the stick so that you drop the egg sufficiently far away from the meter
Record how far the egg travels from the top of the
meter stick to the point closest to the ground (12 data points).
Be very careful with your egg - protect it from hitting anything
and make sure that it doesn't swing back and hit the meter stick.
Accuracy is important, so
the same person should drop the
egg each time.
Number of rubber bands
Distance dropped (cm)
Excel and Data Analysis
Enter your data into excel,
Click on the grey A box above the number of rubber bands data.
The column will become highlighted.
Click the command key, hold this down and then
click on the grey B box above the distance data.
Now both columns will be highlighted. Under the Insert menu,
look for and create the Scatter plot with the dots.
Next use the control key as you click on one of the points on your graph and Add Trendline.
Click on Options or Format Trendline and select the bottom two
options (Display equation on
and Display R-squared value on chart). Click on OK or
Back on the chart, you can drag the equation of the line,
if you need to see it better.
Even with the variability in rubber bands and possible measurement
using the r2 value,
your number of rubber bands should be a very strong predictor of
the distance traveled because
the stretch ability and similarity of the
rubber bands shows a
constant slope for the change in
distance dropped / change in rubber bands.
EXACTLY what prediction of the number of rubber bands required
for 2.0 meters does the equation of the regression line give
(plug in 200 cm y-value and solve for x)?
The Contest
Using the predicted number of rubber bands, the R2
value, and anything else you want to factor into your decision,
decide how many rubber bands you will use for the
2.0 meter bungee jump. You may be creative and
fold a rubber band in half. The team that comes closest to the ground
without any egg damage wins.
Build, but DO NOT TEST
the bungee machine and then put a slip of paper with your group names
and bring it up front
in the bowl as you continue to work below. Your egg dropper will drop the egg
when I bring us together, and I'll also need some volunteer judges.
Stock Market Data
Download your stock file.
Open Excel and then open your file using File/Open
Does Date predict Close?
Repeat the above Excel process for the Date/Close columns.
Is the trend an upward trend, downward trend, or
horizontal trend?
What is the R2 value written as a percent?
Critical Analysis: Predictors If your r2
value was 100%, explain why you wouldn't be assured to make money in the stock
market by investing according to the line? Answer by referring to the related
Stock Market readings and class discussions on financial forecasts.
Does Volume predict High?
Repeat the above Excel process for the Volume/High columns.
What is the R2 value written as a percent?
Statistically, using the chart, what kind of predictor is Volume of High
(none, weak, moderate, or strong)?
Critical Analysis: Lack of a Trend
For most stocks, Volume will be a weak or no predictor of High.
Take out your Excel chart from the stock packet and look for
contradictions to a general trend between Volume (the bars at the bottom)
and High (the tip tops). Ie
find two consecutive days where the
volume increases over time as the high increases,
and two other consecutive days where the volume increases over time
as the high decreases,
or find some other similar information that would contradict a good
fitting line relating volume and high. Apply the same reasoning as in the
hw reading.
Class Data
From the class highlights page, go to this lab, and then
click on this Class Data Excel File.
Does Armspan predict Height?
Follow the above Excel process for the Armspan and Height data.
What is the equation of the best fit line?
What is the R2 value written as a percent?
What is the strength of the relationship between Armspan and Height (none, weak, moderate, or strong)?
Take a look at this graph:
This is some of the same data, but I removed
some points that contradicted
the related text that accompanied Leonardo da Vinci's
Vitruvian Man
"The length of a man's outspread arms is equal to his height."
What is the new R2 value written as a percent?
Critical Analysis: Ethics:
Compare the graphs. As a researcher, is it ethical to remove the points that I
eliminated and keep the remaining points? Why or why not?
How does the removal of the points affect the line (is the line
steeper or more horizontal)?
Critical Analysis: R2 Value Changes:
Using your knowledge of linear regression lines and
predictors, explain why the removal of the problem points
has such a huge effect on the R2 value. Be sure to address
what it is
the R2 value measures and relate this to your answer.