- "Sell" your stock:
Go to
and enter your symbol.
- What is your Bid price?
(Ignore the "x 100" or similar part of the Bid price -
you want the price per share that comes before this).
If you don't see a Bid
price then take the Last Trade price and subtract .125 from it.
- What is your Commission Fee?
Nasdaq (4 letter name): 19.95
Other: 1, 2 or 3 letter name: 14.95
- Gain or Loss:
Bid price x 100 - commission fee - money you spent to purchase the stock
for homework on Nov 16
- On the front board, mark off
whether you gained or lossed money
by adding them to the relevant gain/loss columns.
The average participation grade from last semester was 16/20,
which is what is listed on the ASULearn grades.
A perfect 20/20 means perfect attendance, turning in the
non-graded homework, being prepared for class,
actively participating in class discussions and
activities, and taking at least one try of each ASULearn quiz.
Use the syllabus
to give yourself a participation grade
out of 20.
- Message your self-evaluation on participation to Dr. Sarah on
ASULearn along with feedback on group work effectiveness [if you feel you
deserve the same grades as your partners, just say so. If not, please explain
why you deserve a higher or lower grade and specify which project(s) this
relates to and the name(s) of your partner(s).]
- Write down (to turn in) something you found interesting, disagreed with,
or had a question on in each of the 4 readings referred to in
Project 6
1. Adding up Fuzzy Math: Teaching the Basics
2. Quantitative
3. Creative Inquiry Lessons for
4. What is Mathematics Quotations and Readings [on ASULearn] ]
So you will have 4 items total. Turn these in.