Teaching High School Geometry - 1 hour credit seminar meeting 12:30 on
North Carolina High School Geometry
North Carolina InfoWeb on High School Geometry
Course Activities
Tuesday, January 12 - Dr. Sarah's presentation on Polyhedra
Jan Garner's web based lesson using manipulatives
Susanne Alejandre's Polyhedra Unit
From 2), we'll look at Paper Nets, and construct a cube and icosahedron.
Real Life Applications
Crystals Also click on the seven crystal systems link.
Kim Allen's page on Fullerenes - the 1996 Nobel Prize in Chemistry
was awarded for discovery of a fullerene in real life
(see also her Buckyball page).
Java Applet of
a buckyball
We'll also talk about using paper nets to construct a bucky ball.
Tuesday, January 19 - Steve Dyche gives us a tour of the math-science
center on the 2nd floor of Walker Hall.
Tuesday, January 26th - Advanced Web Searching - Students will pick
an NCCTM topic to eventually present material on and will search the web
for info they can use in their presentations.
NCTM Standards
NCTM Standards 2000
for the State of North Carolina divided by subject and grade level
Extra Credit for sites suggested by you (first person to e-mail or tell
me the site receives credit). Note: sites must contain mathematical
Interesting Web Sites about Teaching High School Geometry
Internet Geometry Resources
Student Projects from Math 5337: Technology in the Geometry Classroom Projects for teachers and/or students (primarily grades 7 - 12)
on various
geometrical and web-related projects, including: symmetry, the golden ratio, classification of patterns, concurrency points in a triangle, the
Pythagorean theorem, Charlotte and the World Wide Web, and the Geometer's Sketchpad. From a class at the Geometry Center.
Pythagorean Theorem Lesson - J.T. Johns
This activity consists of developing the Chinese proof of the Pythagorean theorem using the Geometer's
Sketchpad. The students will each be on their own computer for this activity and the worksheet will help them through it.
Jan Garner's Perspective Page
Polyhedra and real life applications
This unit by Suzanne Alejandre introduces the concepts of surface area and volume while focusing on the importance of measurement. Students
calculate the surface area of a rectangular prism; name the characteristics (number of edges, faces, vertices, and the shape of the face) of 6 specific
polyhedra (cube, tetrahedron, octahedron, dodecahedron, icosahedron, and cuboctahedron); demonstrate their understanding of the characteristics
of polyhedra; and explore polyhedra in the real world through crystalline structures and 'buckyballs'. All objectives are coordinated with the
NCTM Standards.
Geometry and The Simpsons
The Third Dimension
2) Prof. Frink explaining the theory of the third dimension
and the rest of this segment of 3-d Homer from Treehouse of Horror VI 3F04
Text and Did You Notice?
by James A. Cherry
Pictures of Homer
Changing into 3-d and 3-d Homer.
Data Images dexcription of the 3-d special
How did Pacific
Data Images do this?
Hyperbolic Parabaloid
Kang and Homer fighting on the Jerry
Springer show - notice that Kang uses "hyperbolic parabaloid" while he is
yelling at homer! in
AABF01(10/23/98) Treehouse of Horror IX
Homer and Kang Start to Fight on the Jerry Spring show - the crowd cheers
them on
Homer: (Angry) You two-timing--Bleep Bleep! I'm gonna--Bleep!
Kang(Angry)Oh, year?! Well Bleep hyperbolic parabaloid Bleep earth, your