Date |
Work is always due at the BEGINNING
of class. Additional hw TBA. |
6 May - Wed |
Our assigned meeting time during finals week
is Wed May 6 beginning at noon.
You must participate in the Final Research and
Review Presentation,
which is a continuation of Project 4,
to pass the class.
__________ |
__________ |
30 Apr - Thur |
Continue working on the final project
Meet in 209b.
28 Apr - Tues |
Test 2 on Polyhedra, Metric Perspectives, Parallelism, and Non-Euclidean
Geometry study guide
We had a chat session on ASULearn Monday at 8pm. You can
"View past chat sessions" there to see it.
23 Apr - Thur |
Study for test 2 using the
study guide
and write down any questions you have.
Read through project 6 solutions (and watch the video) and be
prepared to discuss.
Bring your i-clicker with you.
21 Apr - Tues |
Project 6: Parallels and Connections
16 Apr - Thur |
Continue working on Project 6:
Parallels and Connections
14 Apr - Tues |
Skim our books for information on parallels. Message Dr. Sarah on ASULearn or write down (to turn in) a brief summary of what you found that includes page numbers. Also prepare to share what you found during class discussion.
Bring the i-clicker and
Sibley's Geometric Viewpoint with you.
Begin working on Project 6
9 Apr - Thur |
Meet in 209b and bring Sibley's Geometric Viewpoint with you.
Read through the
final project and review presentation
and write down any questions you have. Begin working on it.
2 Apr - Thur |
Take a look at the message I sent you on ASULearn, and begin
working on revisions to the timeline (3 pages in the revision)
Bring your i-clicker to class.
31 Mar - Tues |
Project 5: Polyhedral and Metric
Bring your sphere (ball) to class.
26 Mar - Thur |
Meet in 209b
If you easily have access to an orange or round fruit that can
be peeled (the rounder the better)
then bring it to class.
Skim our books for information on polyhedra
[including specific polyhedra like the icosahedra...].
Message Dr. Sarah
on ASULearn or write down (to turn in) a brief summary of what you found
that includes page numbers.
Continue working on Project 5
24 Mar - Tues |
Begin working on Project 5
Review the proof that there are exactly 5 regular polyhedra (the third and fourth slides, ie p. 4-13) and write down
any questions you have
Bring your i-clicker to class
19 Mar - Thur |
Meet in 209b.
Complete the following (to turn in at the beginning of lab):
1. Read through
circles and summarize in your own words why a taxicab
circle is what
is listed there.
2. Play a few games of
taxicab treasure hunt. How do taxicab circles come
into play here?
We'll finish up the presentations and peer review.
All session 2 folks will
tape their work back up to give others a chance to get to them.
17 Mar - Tues |
Project 4: Concept Development (Historical
Timeline Presentations)
I've sent you a posting on ASULearn with starting references.
Area: Rebecca and Sharon
Axiomatic Systems: Aaron and Dan
Coordinate geometry: Allison J and Josh
Geometric transformations: Meredith and Woody
Parallel postulate: Scott
Perimeter & circumference: Janie and Kelcey
Polyhedra: Chris and Rachel
Similarity: Allison G and Robert
Volume: Ben and Randy
5 Mar - Thur |
Meet in 106
Continue working on Project 4.
I've sent you a posting on ASULearn with starting references.
3 Mar - Tues |
Test 1 on Axioms, Constructions, Measurement, and Similarity
study guide.
Graded Project 3 are available on my door (326) and
solutions were posted on ASULearn Friday morning.
We'll have a second chat session
on ASULearn Monday at 8pm
26 Feb - Thur |
Project 3:
is due no matter the weather on Thursday, so plan to turn it in
on my door (326 Walker)
Wednesday or Thursday,
or online at ASULearn on the
Personal Storage Space or Upload Assignments
by midnight.
The university cancelled our class. We had a
chat session
on ASULearn at 11am and you can look at what we discussed
if you missed it. I'm making my way to face-to-face
office hours.
Use class time to study for test 1 on Tuesday and continue working
on Project 4.
26 Feb - Thur |
Begin working on
Project 4. Topics are approved
first-come-first-served on ASULearn.
24 Feb - Tues |
The university cancelled our class.
Use class time to begin working on Project
4 and continue studying for test 1 using the
study guide. I rearranged the calendar.
If you want your graded Project 3 back Thursday, turn it in
by 2:15 today to my office door 326, or by
midnight tonight on the ASULearn
Personal Storage Space and Upload Assignments link. Regardless of
weather on Thursday, Project 3 will be due by Thursday, so plan
to turn it in on my door or online by midnight (or in class,
Be safe!
19 Feb - Thur |
The university has cancelled our class. Stay warm out
there! Use class time to study for test 1 using the
study guide.
17 Feb - Tues |
The university has cancelled our class (and my
office hours), so I have
adjusted the calendar. I'll be online to answer questions. Stay
12 Feb - Thur |
Meet in 209b.
Read through solutions to project 2 on ASULearn and write down
any questions you have.
Continue working on project 3
10 Feb - Tues |
Continue working on project 3
Bring your ball to class
5 Feb - Thur |
Meet in 209b
Project 2 self reflection due
Skim through both books for similarity [other appendix searches like angle-angle... may be needed]. Message Dr. Sarah on ASULearn or write down (to turn in) a brief summary of what you found that includes page numbers.
Bring your ball with you.
3 Feb - Tues |
Project 2:
Connections and an Overview of Course Topics (Sphere
Bring a 10-12 inch diameter child's ball - these are usually
found in bins in stores and cost a couple
of dollars.
Be sure that this ball is smooth, can bounce, and that you
won't mind writing on it during class. |
Begin working on project 3.
29 Jan - Thur |
Meet in 209b.
Read through project 1 solutions on ASULearn and write down (to turn
something to share (something you found interesting, had a
question on, or disagreed with).
Continue working on project 2.
27 Jan - Tues |
Read Wallace and West Roads to Geometry p. 1-5 and 8-9, and Sibley
Geometric Viewpoint p. 2-5 and p. 9 and come to class prepared to
discuss the readings. Bring both your books to class.
Begin working on project 2.
22 Jan - Thur |
Meet in 209b
Project 1:
Measurement and Constructions
20 Jan - Tues |
Go to ASULearn and send me a posting in the private forum
(only you and Dr. Sarah): what you would like to be called (your nickname /
first name); your phone number; your major; any additional academic
concentrations/minors; what you might like to do as a career; your
non-academic interests and hobbies; anything else you want me to know
Get comfortable with the equilateral triangle construction in Sketchpad
so that you can do it without the directions in front of you. Either work
on a computer on campus that has Sketchpad, or, if you don't have time
to do that, then the
student pricing is a 1-year license for $9.96
Continue working on Project 1
15 Jan - Thur |
Meet in 209b
Search google for Dr. Sarah, click on my page,
and click on the MAT 3610 link and then the Syllabus
link. Write down any questions you have - the university considers this
a binding contract between us.
Obtain the 2 textbooks and i-clicker
available for rental at the bookstore. Ask for managers Pam Walker or
Patty Rodeheffer if there is any confusion.
Bring the i-clicker to all classes.
Read through the Methodology and Writing Up
Your Solutions Guidelines and write down any questions
Begin working on Project 1 under next week's due date.
13 Jan - Tues |
First Class