Current S-STEM Scholars
Getting to Know a Scholar Archive
Students who are members of the S-STEM/ECRS programs.
STEM Mentoring Teams - Spring 2023
Shams Ahmed (Geology), Emma Allen (CS), Sydney Andrews (Physics), Joel Ayers (CS - ECRS), Sitara Brent (Physics - LSAMP), Curt Bridgers (CS-Grad), Dallas Davis (Physics), Sarah Davis (CS - ECRS), Lily Foote (Math), Simon Getahun (CS - LSAMP), Keith Haith (CS), Blake Heckenlaible (Physics), Brandie Henderson (Biology - LSAMP), Brooke Henderson (Chemistry), Collin Hernandez (Physics), Alex Johnson (Math), Henry Jones (CS - ECRS), Kyle Joyce (CS - ECRS Grad Fellow), Hannah Joyner (Math), Alcinder Lewis (CS-Grad), Maniya Mcneal (Biology - LSAMP), Nick Mencis (MATH), Will O'Brien (CS - ECRS), Tayo Olofintuyi (CS - LSAMP), Henderson Ong (CS - ECRS), Alivia Paredes (CS), Gabriel Paredes (Physics-Grad), Luke Patterson (CG-Grad), Andrew Reeves (CS - ECRS Grad Fellow), Isabela Rengifo Ramirez (Biology - LSAMP), Jakyra Simmons (CS), Alex Somer (CS-ECRS), Jakon Stanley (CS - ECRS), Ryan Stukes (Biology - LSAMP), Annie Sylvester (Physics), Mia Verdugo (Chemistry), Gabriel Wheaton (Chemistry), Christiana Wright (CS - LSAMP)), Crystal Wright (CS - LSAMP), Alyssa Wurtz (Gelogy), and Amy Zal (CS - ECRS).Team 1: Andrew Reeves (Leader), Joel Ayers, Henderson Ong, and Alex Somer
- Mentor: Dr. Tashakkori, Project:
Scheduled Meetings: Mon 3-5 pm, Room 319
Team 2: Will O'Brien (Leader), Tayo Olofintui, Christiana Wright, and Crystal Wright
- Mentor: Dr. Parry, Project:
Scheduled Meetings: Tue 4-6 pm Grad Lounge
Team 3: Nick Mencis (Leader), Alex Johnson, Hannah Joyner, and Lily Foote
- Mentor: Dr. Palmer, Project:
- Scheduled Meetings:
Team 4: Kyle Joyce (Leader), Sarah Davis, Jakon Stanley, Amy Zal, and Simon Getahun
- Mentor: Dr. Tashakkori, Project:
- Scheduled Meetings: Tue 1-3 pm, Room 314
Team 5: Curt Bridgers (Co-Leader), AJ Lewis (Co-Leader), Keith Haith, and Emma Allen
- Mentor: Dr. Tashakkori, Project: TBD
- Scheduled Meetings: Thr 12-2 pm, Location TBDTBD
Team 6: Luke Patterson (Leader), Alivia Paredes, Henry Jones, and Jakyra Simmons
- Mentor: Dr. Norris, Project: TBD
- Scheduled Meetings:
Team 7: Brooke Henderson (Leader), Mia Verdugo, and Gabriel Wheaton
- Mentor: Dr. Cecile, Project: TBD
- Scheduled Meetings: TBD
Team 8: Gabriel Paredes (Leader), Sydney Andrews, Blake Heckenlaible, Collin Hernandez, Sitara Brent, and Dallas Davis
- Mentor: Dr. Brooke Hester, Project: ??
- Scheduled Meetings:
Team 9: Shams Ahmed (Leader) and Alyssa Wurtz
- Mentor: Dr. Andy Heckert, Project: ??
- Scheduled Meetings:
Team 10: Maniya Mcneal, Ryan Stukes, Brandie Henderson, and Isabela Rengifo Ramirez (Leader to be decided)
- Mentor: Dr. Maryam Ahmed, Project: ??
- Scheduled Meetings:
Team 11: Annie Sylvester
- Mentor: Dr. Jennifer McGee, Project: ??
- Scheduled Meetings:
Fall 2016 Scholars, Spring 2016 Scholars, Fall 2015 Scholars, Spring 2015 Scholars, Fall 2014 Scholars, Spring 2014 Scholars