Mohammad Ali Javidian
- CAPSTONE PROJECT - 12040 - C S 4800 - 101: Time: 2:00 pm - 5:00 pm Day: T Place: Belk Hall 317 Date Range:Aug 22, 2022 - Dec 14, 2022
FALL 2022 (in progress):
- Group 2: Bryan Hatley, [GitHub], [YouTube].
- Group 3: Zach Shaffer, [GitHub], [YouTube].
- Group 5: Patrick Turner and Jenna Pedersen, [GitHub], [YouTube] (Selected as one of the best projects in the class, and won the 3rd place in the Capstone World Cup Fall 2022 at AppState).
- Group 6: Thom Dickson, [GitHub], [YouTube] (Selected as one of the best projects in the class).
- Group 7: Caleb Long, [GitHub], [YouTube] (Selected as one of the best projects in the class).
- Group 9: Tyler Taylor, [GitHub], [YouTube].
- Group 10: Nick Stenstrom, [GitHub], [YouTube].