The purpose of this test experience is to help you understand the material
and make connections.
Research has shown that the effort you expend in studying for tests and
clearly explaining your work in writing solidifies your learning.
At the Exam
One 8.5*11 sheet with writing on both sides allowed.
You can put anything you like on your sheet.
You may bring your child's ball with you, with the writing on it from the earth intro activity.
One scientific calculator or graphing calculator allowed (but no cell phone nor other
calculators bundled in combination with additional technologies)
You may have out food, hydration, ear plugs, or similar if they will
help you (however any ear plugs must be standalone--no cell phone, internet or other technological connections)
Partial credit will be given, so (if you have time) showing your reasoning or thoughts on questions you are unsure of can help your grade.
Your grade will be based on the quality and depth of your responses in the timed environment (the test must be turned in when time is called).
You will be expected to answer questions about any of the various items from class, lab, and on ASULearn. The test will be a mixture of
computational questions related to geometric equations, directed questions related to geometric spaces,
short answer or short essay questions on our activities, and questions on
the "big picture" themes and more. There is NO need to write in full sentences - bullet points, etc. will be fine.
Here is a partial sample test
and some partial answers
so that you can see and have some practice with
some diverse examples of the formatting and style of questions. The actual test will differ.
Review class and ASULearn activities and review problems
as the vast majority of exam questions are taken from there.
Here is an overview of topics. Be sure you could respond to questions on these. I want you to understand the material and I am happy to help!