Date |
WORK DUE at the beginning of class or lab
unless otherwise noted! |
Dec 7 - Thur |
Final Project Poster Sessions from 3-5:30.
Be sure that your poster
is facing so that it is taller than it is wider. Bring your own beverage.
If you want to bring something to share, feel free - Dr. Sarah will provide
some food including those donuts you've requested.
Note: The written component can be turned in later - is must be posted
to the bulletin board by Wed Dec 13 and it will be posted here.
Extra Credit: Crochet a
Hyperbolic Plane for me to keep or
EC Maple from Project 4.
AJ Gauss Map
Allison Why 3+1 = 11 for small values of 7:
A brief overview of (Super)String Theory
Bailee and Nathan Transformations of
Minimal Surfaces, references
Blake and Joe The Calculus of Functions
Brian and Tracy Brachistochrone
Erin and Jared: Full Program,
work cited,
Frank Differential Geometry and
Cartography, references
Jason S Parallelism and Holonomy
Jones and Jay Worksheet
Lisa Harmonic Function Worksheet,
Melinda The Mercator Projection: Mapping the
Sphere in Two Dimensions
Nicole Mobius Strip Exploration,
Root Maple file,
Tethered Object
Tomas Mapping Surfaces onto the Unit
Wes Scherk's Surface
__________ |
__________ |
Nov 30 - Thur |
Test 3 on metrics study guide
Nov 28 - Tues |
Review for test 3 and write down any questions you have.
Nov 21 - Tues |
Final Project topic and group members
must be approved by Dr. Sarah by 4pm. You must show Dr. Sarah the
relevant pages from a book(s) and post a message to the WebCT bulletin board
(NOT email) with your project topic.
Nov 14 - Tues |
Self-reflection due (1 per person):
Read over the metric
assignment and write up a reflection:
1. Explain the steps you took in preparing your presentation.
2. What part of preparing was easy for you?
3. What was hard?
4. Explain how you used the
criteria in preparing your presentation.
5. What were the strengths of your presentation? Why?
6. What would you like to have improved on? Why?
7. When you give your next major presentation, what would
you do differently in preparing and presenting?
Bring the text to class.
Nov 7 - Tues |
Project 5: Your group presentation should include some or most of the
following: the metric form equation ds^2 or
ds, what the metric form
represents physically; the curvature of the metric; geodesics;
physically interesting features; historical significance and history of the
related people;
significance in current research.
Nov 2 - Thur |
Turn in the metric form equation ds^2 or ds for project 5 (one per group
of two).
Bring the text to class.
Oct 26 - Thur |
Test 2 on surfaces, intrinsic geodesics, and geodesic curvature.
Study suggestions
Oct 24 - Tues |
Go over Test 2 study suggestions and write down
any questions you have.
Extra credit: Prepare a test question other than the one about
hyperbolic geometry and d exp(-c/r). Turn this in on a
piece of paper. If I use your question on the test, I will give you
extra credit.
Oct 17 - Tues |
Project 4 due
Maple file on geodesic and normal curvatures
Adapted from David Henderson.
Oct 12 - Thur |
Read over Project 3 solutions on WebCT and write down any questions you
have. Begin working on Project 4.
Oct 5 - Thur |
Project 3
Oct 3 - Tues |
Bring a child's ball (1 per group of 3) that you don't mind writing on.
Sep 21 - Thur |
Test 1 on curves study suggestions
Sep 19 - Tues |
Project 2 See the Maple commands
bulletin board posting up on WebCT.
Sep 12 - Tues |
Read through Project 1 Solutions on WebCT, compare with your project
responses, and write down any questions you have. In addition, begin working
on Project 2.
Sep 5 - Tues |
Project 1
Maple Applet that calculates the
Velocity, Acceleration, Jerk, Speed, ArcLength, Curvature, and Torsion
Maple Applet TNBapplet.mws
that animates the Frenet Frame.
Aug 31 - Thur |
Meet in 205. You will have time to work on Project 1 there.
Aug 29 - Tues |
Read 1.1 and write down any questions you have. Be prepared to share
something from the reading.
Graduate student presentation: 1.2 Arclength Parametrization
Graduate student presentation: p. 19-20 in 1.3 Frenet Formulas
Aug 24 - Thur |
Read through the online syllabus carefully
and write down any questions you
have - the university considers this a binding contract between us.
Complete the Calc 3 Review of Curves -
helpful webpages:
Graduate student presentation: 1.1 Theorem 1.1.11 and its proof