Dr. Sarah's First Year Seminar Class Highlights Fall 2010

The following is NOT HOMEWORK unless you miss part or all of the class. See the main class web page for ALL homework and due dates.

  • Wed Dec 8 Final Project presentations.
  • Thur Dec 2 Friend or Foe. Share from the final project. Evaluations.
  • Tues Nov 30 Discuss SYNC. Go to the Library Databases & E-Journals and review CQ Researcher and discuss Science Reference Center and Newspaper Source Plus.
  • Tues Nov 23 Meet in the library. Collect reflection on cloning. Library research for the final project.
  • Thur Nov 18 Discuss cloning. Ethics If time remains, then discuss What Kind of Research Should Our Government Support?

  • Tues Nov 16 Continue the theme When are we convinced that a theory or experiment is correct?. My research. Experiments, questions and research on a wide variety of issues: Sixth extinction, nanotechnology, nuclear power, missing Romanovs and DNA, crows, fractions, timeline topics, The Proof, pants activity, egg bungee, SETI, understanding fire and designing a fair draft. We'll turn our focus inward this week. We could also research societal questions and conduct experiments on humanity: Discuss the placebo effect. On Thursday we will discuss cloning.
  • Thur Nov 11 Review SETI. Review Copernicus slides from Day 1 Slides for the following: Phlogistin experiments. 1969 Vietnam Draft Lottery, data, scatterplot, line of best fit, and boxplots. GE Experiment. Discuss Pizza Hut.

  • Tues Nov 9 Discuss Taking Sides reading on SETI. If time remains, then begin Jill Tarter's call to join the SETI search
  • Thur Nov 4 Egg bungee activity.

  • Tues Nov 2 Discuss University Sponsored Activities Reflection. Discuss writing center. Take questions on revisions for project 2. Chemical Adventures of Sherlock Holmes.
  • Thur Oct 28 Discuss the research on the games from Tuesday. Discuss Michael Coble and the Romanov children. Discuss suggestions for revisions for project 2 on ASULearn. Pants research.

  • Tues Oct 26 Discuss research project 2. Generating knowledge - problem solving versus research. Research on games.
  • Tues Oct 19 Research Project 2 Presentations continued.
  • Thur Oct 14 Research Project 2 Presentations

  • Tues Oct 12 Discuss cause/effects versus correlations, including the connection between smoking and cancer. Breakthroughs amidst all the controversies via observational studies and controlled experiments. Revisit the sixth extinction article and watch crows. Discuss library research and research project 2, including why I've built in class time for research. Go to computer lab and work on project 2.
  • Thur Oct 7 Library research. Discuss the project, references and suggestions on the timeline assignment.

  • Tues Oct 5 Discuss revisions on research project 1 - and improving writing.
    i-clicker on reviving nuclear power:
    A) strongly agree that we should revive it
    B) agree we should revive it
    C) somewhat agree we should revive it, at least in some locations or via small power plants, while also relying on other forms of energy
    D) disagree that we should revive it
    E) strongly disagree that we should revive it
    Divide class into categories - yes we should revive it or no we should not. Discuss Taking Sides reading p. 83-99: Is It Time to Revive Nuclear Power?. Create a Decision Matrix:
                      Best Case Scenario                 Worst Case Scenario
    Discuss the cause/effect relationships. TED Debate: Does the world need nuclear energy?. If time remains, discuss the timeline assignment and go to the computer lab to work on choosing a topic/finding references.
  • Thur Sep 30 Finish Equations and Fractions. Share information from the faculty interview. Discuss Scientific and Mathematical Articles. Discuss homework for Tuesday. Review improving writing. Break up into groups of like themes to work on revisions for lens 2. If time remains then begin my research.

  • Tues Sep 28 Discuss Nova's "The Proof" video and Notes. Discuss Henderson Search the library catalog and the databases - MathSciNet for Author: Wiles, A* Look at MR1333036 and MR1333035. Also do "Search for Full Text" and pull up the actual articles. Look for the references. Look at google scholar search for Andrew Wiles and a google [Andrew Wiles site:www.math.princeton.edu] search. arXiv.org search for Andrew Wiles. If time remains, then begin equations as a metaphor for life.
  • Thur Sep 23 Discuss searching for faculty research. Begin first two slides of Equations. Discuss the difference between scientific experimentation and mathematical proof. Discuss correlations.

  • Tues Sep 21 Before turning in research project 1, compare and contrast your lens 1 research and analysis within groups. Excel analyses, chi test and p-value. Discuss the Faculty Interview and the University Sponsored Activities reflection assignments as well as the timeline assignment. Search for information about faculty research, including department webpages, google scholar, the library catalog, and some of the library databases& eJournals listed in the Subject Guide for the most relevant field. Look at department pages for scholarship areas. Search for information about faculty for factuly interview.
  • Thur Sep 16 Discuss convocation and the controversies in the book. Peer Review

  • Tues Sep 14 Discuss convocation on Thursday [Meet in 303A between 9 and 9:15 - I will bring donuts and breakfast bars. We will then walk over to convocation together, sit together, and make our way back to the classroom afterwards. All first year seminar students are required to attend - classes are cancelled until 12:30 for this purpose].
    Review the wheel from Friday and discuss that for some people who saw color - the colors were reversed when the wheel spun the reverse directions.
    During the first part of class today, we will work on portions of the general education objective:
    I. C. Examine and evaluate how their own personal, historical, and cultural perspectives affect the discovery and generation of knowledge;
    Go to 307b. Look at homework on the main webpage for Thursday and Tuesday, and then go to the class highlights page for the following link - experiment:
    1. Take the HumanMetrics Questionnaire.
    2. On ASULearn message me the Myers-Briggs type that the test gave you.
    3. Next read through the description of the type the test gave you and the "opposite" type with no common letters at The 16 MBTI Types.
    4. Research to find some controversial aspects of the MBTI Indicator.
    MBTI reflection
    If time remains, then choose a random number from 1 to 10. Excel analyses, chi test and p-value.
  • Thur Sep 9 Collect discussion questions on Taking Sides Reading. i-clicker survey - should the risks slow the development?. Divide class into yes/no/unsure and sit with people who answered the same way. Discuss Nanotechnology. i-clicker - if we restrict to medical research, should the risks slow the development? To conclude the debate, ask highlight the IDS perspectives and ask each side to summarize what they thought the main points of the other side were. Color wheel and Fechner color. Some see color and some do not. Changing the direction of rotation changes the color.

  • Tues Sep 7 Group Juggle activity. Collect and discuss the Group Interaction Course from the discussion questions or the alternative assignment - the breakthroughs, the controversies, and the connections to science and mathematics. Discuss related physics and geometry connections. Go to 307b. Elephant and Feather - Free Fall, and Elephant and Feather - Air Resistance Discuss the next step in solving the GIC problems - experiments. Review the The Sixth Extinction by Elizabeth Kolbert from last week. LaTex slides Discuss scholarly journals versus magazines. Search for the New Yorker in the library databases. Search for information about the author credibility from this article. If time remains, then research the credentials of each author for the Taking Sides reading and work on Research Project 1 via the google book search inside feature and web searches.
  • Thur Sep 2 Meet at the Student Recreation Center. Group Interaction Course from 12:30-3:20. This activity is required unless you have documented evidence of a conflict which you must bring to me in advance.
  • Tues Aug 31 Put chairs in a rectangle. Finish effective writing from Thursday. Discuss GIC and hw. i-clicker questions. Share lens from project 1. Group juggle. Academic reading - Frankenstein and reading research. The Sixth Extinction by Elizabeth Kolbert. LaTex slides
  • Thur Aug 26 Collect the $10 class activity fee. Write down the names of the people in your group from Tuesday. Fill out the information sheet. Review the syllabus and discuss advice from the last class. Discuss questions on project 1 and the syllabus. Discussion Question: Why no tests in the course? Groups present their research from Tuesday and their names. Discuss writing rubric. Build connections: count the number of letters in your first name and find someone else in the class that has the same number of letters (or close). Find something non-obvious that you have in common and introduce them to the rest of the class. LaTex Beamer slides.

  • Tues Aug 24 Discuss what is a seminar? Overview of FYS and the course. Connections with each other: names in motion. Discussion Question: How could we know that the earth is round without using modern technology? Interdisciplinary connections and flat earth society. Break up into 5 groups and learn the names of the people in your group. LaTex Beamer slides. Move to 307b and take the survey on ASULearn. Research to find diverse perspectives on your universe question and discuss with your group members. Prepare to share what you found with the rest of the class on Thursday:
    Question 1: Are there are finitely or infinitely many stars in the universe? Explain.
    Question 2: Is our universe 3-dimensional or is it higher dimensional? Why?
    Question 3: Is the universe expanding and if so, will it expand forever?
    Question 4: Most of us agree that the shape of the earth is close to a round sphere. Could the universe be round too? Does it have any kind of shape?
    Question 5: Is the universe leaking energy?