Alice Schafer...
Never so much info!!!!


This site gives info on Alice like crazy. So, feel free to go on through and learn more than you probably ever wanted know. Even Alice didn’t know we knew this much.

Schafer was born in 1915 in the state of Virginia. Because of a fatal accident her parents were killed and she had to be raised by her aunts. They were very supportive of her interest in math. Sadly they were the only ones who were completely supportive of her choice of study. While studying math Schafer came across many roadblocks. Most of which had to do with her teachers. Schafer was strong. She wouldn’t let anything get in her way. Over the years she was able to achieve more than most could imagine. She got her P.H.D. in math with a thesis on metric and projective differential geometry. She was on faculty at Douglass College, University of Michigan, Swarthmore College and Wellesly College. Finally, she was the chair of the math department at Marymount.

            Schafer didn’t just define her professional life with math. She was also an activist for women’s rights. She was a founder, a member and the second president of the AWM or Association for Women in Mathematics. Due to her great contributions to women in math a scholarship was named after her.


Links: to my webpages:

Gender Issues

Alice’s education



Intro to math

In depth math

Intro to worksheet


References on our info…even the fake stuff, just kidding