Alumni Thoughts about the S-STEM program

Without the S-STEM program, I would not have attended graduate school when I did or possibly ever. The work I was allowed to do during the program has helped me gain confidence in my abilities. I believe that there are not many problems that I would be unable to understand and make progress on. Because of this, I approach every new challenge knowing that I will eventually prevail.
- Brent Woodruff (Applachian State University Technology Support Services)

I enjoyed tutoring and having a chance to pass on personal mathematical knowledge and tips. Tutoring offered a good foundation for teaching which helped me through grad school and teaching on my own.
- Celest Alexander (PhD Student, Florida State University)

High impact. Getting input early in my academic career from both professors and grad students helped me to get through the early bumps and bruises of college life and academic obstacles. I am confident that I would not have continued pursuing a degree in Computer Science after my first 2 semesters in school if it had not been for the encouragement, guidance, and support of S-STEM mentors Dr. Rahman Tashakkori, Dr. James Wilkes, Dr. Cindy Norris, and Grad Student Chris Ellsworth. Because I listened to the advice and encouragement of these mentors I'm now working in a job I love in a field I felt very prepared for.
- Chris Flanagan (Wachovia Bank)

I learned how to organize/divide work and communicate with a team during S-STEM and as a graduate student in general. I also learned the pitfalls of group-think and the necessity of evaluating your work with an outside perspective.
- Jonathan Chapman (Dassault Systems)

S-STEM provided excellent preparation for navigating and handling issues in an academic bureaucracy. This has been invaluable in dealing with my graduate program.
- Nathan Vish (Graduate Student, Wake Forest University)

...the guest lecture seminars are the best opportunity on campus to see inside the different fields available to you with a degree in Math or CS.
- Tyler Foster (Elementary Education, Appalachian State University)

CSEMS/S-STEM Recent Graduates