Quick Reference Card Collection


[   ]c_refcard.pdfC reference
[   ]MetaMathReference.pdfExtended Mathematics reference
[   ]HTML5-cheat-sheet.pdfHTML 5 reference
[   ]JAVAProgrammingGuide.pdfJava Programming reference
[   ]JAVA_Quick_Reference.pdfJava reference
[   ]Inequalities.pdfKozma's reference on inequalities
[   ]AMS_Math_Symbols.pdfLaTeX AMS math symbol list
[   ]AMSLaTeXRefCard.pdfLaTeX AMS reference list
[   ]LaTeX_Sheet.pdfLaTeX reference
[   ]LO_Calc_Impress_Math_Reference.pdfLibreOffice Calc spreadsheet
[   ]LuaRefv51.pdfLua reference
[   ]ExcelQuickRef2010.pdfMS Excel
[   ]ExcelQuickRef2011.pdfMS Excel
[   ]Maple 15 QRC_Win.pdfMaple Quick Reference Card
[   ]Maple 2015 QRC.pdfMaple Quick Reference Card
[   ]matlab_refcard.pdfMatlab reference
[   ]OctaveRefcard.pdfOctave reference (Matlab clone)
[   ]Python3_ref.pdfPython reference
[   ]Python_2_7.pdfPython reference
[   ]Python_QR.pdfPython reference
[   ]regular-expressions-v2.pdfRegular Expressions reference
[   ]R-refcard.pdfR reference
[   ]SageQuickRef.pdfSage reference
[   ]SageQuickRefCalculus.pdfSage reference
[   ]ScilabRefCard.pdfScilab reference
[DIR]NSpire/TI Nspire reference
[   ]Trig Identities.pdfTrigonometry reference
[   ]Trig_Cheat_Sheet_Reduced.pdfTrigonometry reference
[   ]Xcas_Reference.pdfXcas reference

(Click on a file name above to view/download it.)
P Fermat G Leibniz I Newton J Fourier A-L Cauchy B Riemann K Weierstrass D Hilbert H Lebesgue W E Kayhote

Last design update: Aug 1, 2012

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 (O.o)   (@.0)   (+.+)   (^.^)
 (>_<)   (>_<)   (>_<)   (>_<)

This is Bunny, his minion Patch, his henchman Franz, and his wife Bunnina.
Copy Bunny into your signature to help him on his way to world domination.