
Assistant Professor, Appalachian State University.
- Department of Computer Science
- Undergraduate
- CS 1100: Discrete Mathematics. [Fall '18 - Summer '19]
- CS 1440: Computer Science I. [Fall '18 - Summer 20]
- CS 4450: Data Communications & Networking. [Fall '19]
- Graduate
- CS 5100: Seminar in Computer Science. [Spring 20]

Instructor, Virginia Tech.
- Department of Engineering Education
- ENGE 1216: Foundations of Engineering. [Spring '18, Summer '18]
- ENGE 1215: Foundations of Engineering. [Fall '17]

Full Responsibility Instructor, University of Nebraska - Lincoln
- Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE)
- ELEC 370/CSCE 335: Digital Logic Design. [Spring '15, Spring '16, Spring '17]
- ELEC 211: Elements of Electrical Engineering I [Fall '16]
- Department of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE)
- CSCE 251: UNIX Programming (online course). [Fall '14]
- 2015 UNL College of Engineering Outstanding Graduate Teaching Assistant Award, CoE, UNL, 2015-2016.

Graduate Teaching Assistant, University of Nebraska - Lincoln
Assist department faculty members by performing teaching and teaching-related duties, such as conducting lab sessions, developing teaching materials, preparing and giving examinations, and grading examinations or papers for the following courses:
- Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE)
- ELEC 304: Signals & Systems. [Spring ’14]
- ELEC 215: Electronics and Circuits I. [Spring ’13]
- ELEC 305: Probability Theory and Introduction to Random Processes. [Spring ’12]
- ELEC 370/CSCE 335: Digital Logic Design. [Spring '12]
- Department of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE)
- CSCE 155N: Computer Science I: Engineering and Science Focus (MATLAB). [Fall ’12, Summer '13, Fall ’13, Fall ’14, Fall '15]
- CSCE 340/840: Numerical Analysis I. [Fall ’11]
- Teaching Assistant Excellence Recognition, CSE, UNL, 2013-2014.

Teaching Assistant, Institute of Aviation Engineering and Technology (IAET)
Assist department faculty members by performing teaching and teaching-related duties, such as conducting recitation sessions, developing teaching materials, preparing and giving examinations, and grading examinations or papers for the following courses:
- MATH 001A: Mathematics.
- MATH 101B: Mathematics II.
- PHY 001A: Physics.
- PHY 001B: Physics.
- PHY 101A: Physics II (Lab).
- ECE 406A: Electrical Communications II (Mobile and Satellite Communications).
- ECE 406B: Electrical Communications II (Mobile Communications).