Dr. Sarah's Tentative Calendar for MAT 1005

The best way to contact me outside of class is during office hours in the ASULearn need help forum. If you can't make Zoom, select the dropdown item listing only you and I to contact me privately, or the whole class to send a message to everyone! I strive to answer individual questions at least once a day, including the weekends, although I may respond within class. I prefer that you use Zoom hours as it is easier to discuss material in person.
  • Syllabus and Grading Policies
  • What is Due When?

    DUE Date
    hw due into each ASULearn assignment, additional activities TBA
    begin by 1/14-final by 10am 1/16 ▢ read this week's announcement posting
    ▢ read percent, proportion and growth
    ▢ 1005 and percents in finance interactive video slides,   interactions
    ▢ percent practice quiz
    ▢ add ASULearn profile picture (name/Edit profile)
    begin by 1/16-final by 10am 1/21 ▢ post your intro video link and preferred first name
    ▢ read syllabus
    ▢ re-engage percents
    begin by 1/21-final by 10am 1/23 ▢ read this week's announcement posting
    ▢ peer review your classmates videos: forums posts & submit a PDF
    ▢ read saving and investing lump sums
    ▢ lump sum interactive video slides,   interactions
    begin by 1/23-final by 10am 1/28 ▢ lump sum practice quiz
    ▢ research real-life rates and turn in
    begin by 1/28-final by 10am 1/30 ▢ read my posting(s), assignment feedback, grades
    ▢ re-engage lump sums
    ▢ handwrite intro interactive video slides,   interactions
    ▢ turn in Benjamin Franklin's financial legacy handwrite-strict deadline
    begin by 1/30-final by 10am 2/4 ▢ debrief Benjamin Franklin's financial legacy handwrite
    ▢ read saving and investing periodic payments
    ▢ periodic payment interactive video slides,   interactions
    ▢ periodic payment and lump sum practice quiz
    begin by 2/4-final by 10am 2/6 ▢ read my posting(s), assignment feedback, grades
    ▢ re-engage periodic payments
    ▢ turn in lottery decisions lump versus periodic handwrite-strict deadline
    begin by 2/6-final by 10am 2/11 ▢ debrief lottery decisions lump versus periodic handwrite
    ▢ read loans and amortization
    ▢ loan interactive video slides,   interactions
    ▢ loan, periodic payment and lump sum practice quiz
    begin by 2/11-final by 10am 2/13 ▢ read my posting(s), assignment feedback, grades
    ▢ re-engage loans
    ▢ turn in car amortization handwrite-strict deadline
    begin by 2/13-final by 10am 2/18 ▢ debrief car amortization handwrite
    ▢ glossary/wiki for finance
    ▢ think-share-pair-compare + final project intro interactive video slides,   interactions
    begin by 2/18-final by 10am 2/20 ▢ read my posting(s), assignment feedback, grades
    ▢ think-share-pair-compare forum
    begin by 2/20-final by 10am 2/25 ▢ debrief think-share-pair-compare
    ▢ continue working on the final project
    begin by 2/25-final by 10am 2/27 ▢ read my posting(s), assignment feedback, grades
    ▢ turn in final project by posting your video project link and preferred first name-strict deadline
    begin by 2/27-final by 10am 3/3 ▢ peer review your classmates' final project: forums posts & submit a PDF with peer review and self-evaluation
    ▢ anonymous course survey
    ▢ course evaluations
    ▢ last call on any open items which are due by Monday 3/6 at 10am as the course ends-strict deadline
    ▢ (optional) revise and reflect on one handwrite to replace it