DUE Date
WORK DUE at the beginning of class or lab
unless otherwise noted.
Turn in work that meets the criterion in
Presenting Homework and Projects
means that the assignment will receive a
numerical grade.
14 Dec - Mon |
****Final Project**** from 12-2:30
extra credit opportunities
7 Dec - Mon |
Prepare to orally present your final project
abstract (like a commercial
or advertisement for your project). Be sure that
your topic has been pre-approved as a message on ASULearn.
Art and Mathematics: Chelsea Brendle
Biology and Mathematics: Caroline Hager
Black Holes and Outer Space: Christina Kurpiel
Card Counting and Mathematics: Dan Simolke
Egyptian Mathematics: Will
Environment and Mathematics: Kristy O'shea
Health and Mathematics: Meg and Sarah
Music and Mathematics: Jessica
Knitting and Mathematics: Athena Duke
Psychological Aspects of Mathematics: Klaire Robertson
Weather and Mathematics: Christine Michaels and Laurie
Zero: Collincia Rouse
__________ |
__________ |
3 Dec - Thur |
Take the ASULearn survey on anonymous advice for next semester.
Read the final project and
write down any questions.
1 Dec - Tues |
****Project 6: Personal
30 Nov - Mon |
Bring your stock "purchase" information to lab.
Begin working on Project 6.
24 Nov - Tues |
****Test 3****
study guide
23 Nov - Mon |
Take a try of the ASU Review Questions for Test 3.
Read the study guide.
Write down any questions you have and bring them to lab to ask me.
19 Nov - Thur |
****Project 5:
Critiques of Recent Media
17 Nov - Tues |
ASULearn message me or write down (to turn in)
an analysis and critique (informal bullet points are fine) of
the information in these articles on the
impact of young voters
by referring to specific content and page numbers in both books from
our homework readings on
Tues Nov 3 and Thurs Nov 12 (see the assigned
readings below).
If you didn't finish the lab, complete it for homework.
16 Nov - Mon |
How Do You Know 3.4 #15 parts b) and c).
"Purchase" the same stock
you used in your stock graph.
Review the reading on
stock regression
Continue to bring your stock graph with you to class and lab.
Begin working on Project 5.
12 Nov - Thur |
ASULearn message me or
write down (to turn in) something you found interesting, had a question on,
or disagreed with from each of the following 5 sections (informal bullet
points are fine)
in Heart of Mathematics
1) p. 57 "a look back"
2) p. 571-572 and p. 576-580
3) p. 585-587 and "a look back" on p. 600
4) p. 613-615 and p. 620-623
5) p. 645-658
10 Nov - Tues |
Review the lab from Monday, complete the "Discussion Points Homework"
at the end of the lab, and prepare to share these.
Bring your completed lab and How Do You Know to class.
9 Nov - Mon |
conflicting graph viewpoints.
Bring your stock market graph
with you and if you did not complete this lab, then submit
your stock data Excel file to the
personal storage space on ASULearn.
6 Nov - Thur |
Read about boxplots in How Do You Know and use
the following lo, q1, median, q3, and hi
to sketch three boxplots on the same graph.
ABC [13.5, 14.4, 16.6, 17.2, 20.2]
CBS [13.1, 15.5, 16.35, 17.3, 21.9]
NBC [13.1, 13.6, 14.5, 15.0, 17.6]
Then answer p. 169 Chapter 3 Section 3 # 25 part b.
Bring How Do You Know to class
3 Nov - Tues |
Come to class prepared to discuss How Do You Know
p. 166 section Chapter 3 Section 3 #6 on measures of center
Skim section Chapter 3 Section 1, p. 121 - 130
of How Do You Know and write down something
to share with the class.
Skim Chapter 3 Section 3, p. 156 - 163 of
How Do You Know and write down any questions
you have.
2 Nov - Mon |
You will need money on your card to print 1 sheet from lab.
Read section 1.5 in the How Do You Know?
book to gain some familiarity with personal investments and stock information.
Read Heart of Mathematics p. 543-544
(How to Get Rich Quick as a Stock Whiz).
Message me on ASULearn or write down to turn in
2 items that you found interesting,
that surprised you, or that you disagreed with.
Find the stock symbols of 3 companies you are interested in "buying" -
for example, you might search
finance.yahoo.com/l for stocks with certain names
(note that the search features are not very user friendly)
(that last letter is the letter "l" not the number 1)
"stock symbol" "COMPANY NAME"
the name of the company that you are interested in.
29 Oct - Thur |
****Test 2****
study guide
27 Oct - Tues |
Bring How Do You Know to class.
Take a try of the ASULearn Material Review Questions for Test 2 and write
down any questions that you have. Our test review session in class will last
as long as you have questions or comments.
Look at the
Test 2 study guide
and write down any questions that you have.
26 Oct - Mon |
Complete ASULearn Car Loan Practice Problem. Keep track of your answers and calculations on a sheet of paper to turn in - (if you scroll over an answer box after you submit it, you will receive feedback and hints, and you can resubmit the correct answers online).
Read p. 36-37 in How Do You Know? and bring your workbook to
22 Oct - Thur |
****Project 4: Ben Franklin's
Ben Franklin's Will - News
Article Web Readings
Ben Franklin's Will - Project 4
Self-Evaluation Checklist for
the Ben Franklin Report
20 Oct - Tues |
Skim p. 24-27 in How Do You Know?
Search the web for information about personal or consumer debt or
loans in the US.
How about for the entire world? How about for North Carolina?
Also search for information about the federal deficit.
Report back on what you found.
19 Oct - Mon |
How Do You Know? p. 21 Exercise Set 1.2 numbers 8 and 10.
Collect information that you receive in
the mail, search on the web
and/or go to a bank
to find recent interest rates on...
checking accounts,
cds (certificate of deposit),
credit card rates,
student loan rates,
house loan (mortgage) rates,
and car loan rates.
Summarize your findings and be sure to include the source of each rate.
Read through project 4 under Thursday's due date
and bring your ideas and questions to lab.
13 Oct - Tues |
Complete the Jane and Joan assignment on ASULearn
Begin working on homework for next week.
12 Oct - Mon |
How Do You Know? p. 21 Exercise Set 1.2 numbers 1 and 2.
Read Ben Franklin's Will - Web Reading
for Lab
8 Oct - Thur |
Carefully read How Do You Know? p. 11-13
(the answer to You Try It 2.3 is on page 275)
6 Oct - Tues |
Practice Problems (to turn in):
How Do You Know? page 6 in section 1.1 # 1, 13, 16, 17, 20.
In order to save paper, I recommend writing in the workbook.
Bring your scientific calculator.
5 Oct - Mon |
Bring your scientific calculator to all labs and classes
during the personal finance segment.
Begin working on homework for Tuesday.
28 Sep - 1 Oct |
****Project 3: What is a
Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519): Christina, Christine, David, and Laurie
Thomas Fuller (1710-1790): Amanda and Jessica
Maria Agnesi (1718-1799): Athena, Caroline, Kelsey and Sarah
Alan Turing (1912-1954): Kristal, Michael and Molly
David Blackwell (1919-): Derrick and Will
John Nash (1928): Dave and Drew
Stephen Hawking (1942-) : Chelsea, Collincia, Josh and Ritchie
Bill Gates (1955-): Klaire, Kristy and Meg
David X Cohen (1966-): Dan, Joe and Joe
24 Sep - Thur |
Prepare to tell us the name of your (approved) mathematician
and why you chose them.
Look for my ASULearn message to you that contains references for your
mathematician. Use my references and others you find
to find quotations and information related to the themes and
questions listed on
Project 3. Bring in your
answers so that I can give you feedback.
22 Sep - Tues |
Search the web to find a short quote about what mathematics is, and
bring the quote and the person's name to class - prepare to present it
in class and tell us why you chose that quotation.
You will regularly need your calculator in class and lab
for the rest of the semester. You may leave your geometry notes at home.
Your group and mathematician for
Project 3 must be approved on
ASULearn by the end
of the day (only 1 mathematician per group - first-come-first-served on
ASULearn). Everyone must work in a group of 2-4 people on this assignment.
21 Sep - Mon |
Read the following about
creative inquiry
I will bring this handout for you, but
skim The Proof so that
you know what questions to answer while we are watching the video (which
will begin promptly at 5pm since it is exatly 50 minutes long).
Work on homework for Tuesday.
17 Sep - Thur |
****Test 1****
study guide
The ASULearn Material Review Quiz will no longer be available after the
15 Sep - Tues |
Examine the study guide
for the test and message me or write down at least one question or comment for a review session during class. Recall that the advice from last semester's students was to know everything on the study guide.
Take a try of ASULearn Material Review Quiz [participation requires at least one try of the quiz, but the specific grade does not matter.]
14 Sep - Mon |
Read through the following readings
and message me on ASULearn or write down (to turn in) two items that
you found interesting, disagreed with, had a question on, or wished
had been done:
Heart of Mathematics p. 307-319.
Begin reviewing for Test 1 via the
study guide. The ASULearn Material
Review Quiz will be available by Monday at the end of lab.
10 Sep - Thur |
Read through the following readings
and message me on ASULearn or write down (to turn in) two items that
you found interesting, disagreed with, had a question on, or wished
had been done:
Heart of Mathematics p. 289-299.
of the Universe
Jeff Weeks Interview
8 Sep - Tues |
****Project 2:
Earth and Universe****
Bring 1 child's ball per group (that you won't mind drawing on).
3 Sep - Thur |
Obtain a scientific calculator (with a
yx, xy, or ^ key on it),
a 3-ring binder notebook, and a hole puncher.
Obtain 2 books from the bookstore:
purchase the How Do You Know? workbook
and obtain the hardcover rental Heart of Math book by showing
your class schedule.
1 Sep - Tues |
Come to class prepared to discuss the
Round Earth
web readings.
due by 4 pm
If you have a laptop with a wireless connection, bring it to class.
31 Aug - Mon |
Read through the 2D Universes Readings
and message me on ASULearn or write down (to turn in) two items that
you found interesting, disagreed with, had a question on, or wished
had been done.
Work on project 1.
27 Aug - Thur |
Read through the Syllabus
which is online - search google for
Dr. Sarah, click on my page, and click on the MAT 1010 link and then the
Syllabus link. Come prepared to share something you read and write down any
questions you
have - the university considers this a binding contract between us.
Come to class prepared to discuss the
Perspective Drawing
web reading.