Date |
WORK DUE at the beginning of class
Other Discussion Questions and Reflections TBA |
10 Dec - Mon |
Research Project 3:
Unsolved Question.
Presentations from 12-2:30.
Upload an electronic copy to ASULearn and bring a printed copy of all
your work to class too.
Abbott's library guide
Reflection: University Sponsored
__________ |
__________ |
6 Dec - Thur |
Watch the
TED video
on SYNC and be prepared to discuss
Bring your i-clicker to class
Read through Research Project 3 again
(I made some changes to the wording of the requirements for the conclusion)
and continue working on it - write down any questions you
4 Dec - Tues |
Take a look at my ASULearn message to you
Discussion Questions on SYNC p. 11-23 and 30-39:
reading on ASULearn
1) What are the Academic Disciplines that relate?
2) Research the credentials of the author and summarize what you found.
3) What cause/effect relationships were stated or implied? (Try to find
as many as you can)
4) Create one clicker question for the class that relates to the article
Bring your i-clicker to class
29 Nov - Thur |
I am speaking at a conference in Chicago. Use class time to complete the
following and by 11:55pm, message me (as simple text) your reponses on ASULearn
[Participants / my picture / Send message]:
Discussion Questions - Message response on ASULearn:
Skim the entire research article
Mystery Solved: The Identification of the Two Missing Romanov Children
Using DNA Analysis. (Themes: What a Research Paper Can Look Like,
Certainty and Experimentation on Humans)
There may be
forensic chemistry, biology and/or probability content that is beyond
the scope of our backgrounds. So "skim" means that we should
process what is possible with our current background knowledge
and let the rest "roll-off" - which is a much faster read than careful
reading, but do give it a good faith effort.
1) What are the controversies mentioned in the article (list them all)
2) What science and mathematics methods are mentioned in the article
[for instance, Y-STR Testing is one that is mentioned]
3) How is this research article format similar to and different from
lab experiments you have written up in the past (in college or high school)?
4) Name two additional controversies related to
DNA from the last 30 years (unrelated to this article).
5) What are the controversies surrounding
Rosalind Franklin in the history of DNA?
27 Nov - Tues |
Meet in the library in Room 026
Discussion Questions and Reflection Due at the Beginning of the Library Class:
Discussion Questions
1) What unsolved question would you like to work on for the final project
(maximum of 2 people per project)
2) Research the web and create one referenced bullet point for
each "side"
(like in the sample project I created - but
just create one for each side for now)
and this can include historical evidence and philosophical or
perspectives as well as unproven theories, as long as they are referenced.
Reflection on
Should We Reject the Goal of the Genetically,
Electronically, and Mechanically Enhanced Human Being?
See guidelines for reflections and here are
the clicker questions
20 Nov - Tues |
Discussion Questions on Taking Sides
Reading on Should We Reject the Goal of the Genetically,
Electronically, and Mechanically Enhanced Human Being? (as usual, I need
a hand-written or printed copy)
1) What are the various
Undergraduate Majors
on campus whose research could relate to this topic [List all that
2) What cause/effect relationships (or if... then... statements) were
stated or implied by each author? [List them all]
3) Research the credentials of each author and summarize what you found.
4) Create a Decision Matrix - with one item in each spot:
Best Case Scenario
Worst Case Scenario
Bring your i-clicker to class
15 Nov - Thur |
Discussion Question:
Conduct additional research of one of the activities from Tuesday Nov 13
[they are listed on the class highlights page] and
report on what you tried or found
[you can work on your own and summarize what you tried and how that went,
or search for information on the web and report back in your own words].
13 Nov - Tues |
Revisions for Research Project 2 are due and are worth 50% of the
grade. Turn in your rubric sheet
and original along with the revised version. You are
allowed 3 pages instead of 2. One aspect that I will ask you to include
in revisions that will help clarify the connections is to research
what country and
type(s) of mathematician/scientist the people in your timeline are:
for instance, using forms like:
English physicist, mathematician, astronomer, natural philosopher,
alchemist and theologian Isaac Newton...
Read the message from me on ASULearn regarding class feedback on research
project 2, which also includes an updated course project, discussion questions
and reflection average at the end.
8 Nov - Thur |
Discussion Question: Read about
Placebos (Themes: Certainty and Experiments on Humans).
Briefly summarize all the experiments that are mentioned in the article
(for example: one set of experiments were open trials in which drugs and
placebos were given by pill or injection versus hidden trials in which they
were randomly administered by a hidden computer through an IV line)
Work on Project 2 revisions, due on Tuesday
6 Nov - Tues |
Discussion Questions:
1. Read through the description of the
type the test gave you and the "opposite" type with no common letters at
16 MBTI Types.
Describe, if there are any, components that you feel DO describe you in
your MBTI type
2. Describe, if there are any, components that you feel DO NOT
describe you in your MBTI type
3. Describe, if there are any, components that you
feel DOdescribe you in
your "opposite" MBTI type
Describe, if there are any, components that you feel DO NOT
describe you in your "opposite" MBTI type
5. Research to find some controversial aspects of the MBTI Indicator
and report back on what you found
Continue working on finding additional mathematical and scientific
connections for revisions on research project 2 - in revisions you will be
allowed 3 pages instead of 2. One aspect that I will ask you to include
in revisions that will help clarify the connections is to research
what country and
type(s) of mathematician/scientist the people in your timeline are:
for instance, using forms like:
English physicist, mathematician, astronomer, natural philosopher,
alchemist and theologian Isaac Newton...
1 Nov - Thur |
As of Tues at 7am,
ASU cancelled classes for Tues Oct 30. Use class time to work on the following:
First the hw that was originally due on Tues:
Reflection on Do Humans Belong in Space?
See guidelines for reflections
Next the following additional work:
Discussion Questions:
Watch the first 6 minutes and 40 seconds of the TED video:
Answer the following:
1) What aspects, if any, did you agree with?
2) What aspects, if any, did you disagree with?
3) Are there any aspects that relate to your own life? How?
4) What did you think about Burt Rutan's presentation style in the
video? Explain.
5) Research Burt Rutan's scientific credentials, including related
degrees and major scientific accomplishments, and report back on what
you found
Then begin working on finding additional mathematical and scientific
connections for revisions on research project 2 - in revisions you will be
allowed 3 pages instead of 2. One aspect that I will ask you to include
in revisions that will help clarify the connections is to research
what country and
type(s) of mathematician/scientist the people in your timeline are:
for instance, using forms like:
English physicist, mathematician, astronomer, natural philosopher,
alchemist and theologian Isaac Newton...
30 Oct - Tues |
Reflection on Do Humans Belong in Space?
See guidelines for reflections
25 Oct - Thur |
We will complete research session 2, so
everyone in that session should tape up their work at the beginning of class.
Discussion Questions (To turn in, but also keep a copy so that you
are prepared to discuss) Taking Sides reading Do Humans Belong
in Space? p.250-264
[This topic was chosen by the class survey.]
1) What are the various academic fields or subjects that relate to the articles?
2) What cause/effect relationships (or if... then... statements) were stated or implied by each author? [List them all]
3) Research the credentials of each author and summarize what you found.
4) Create a Decision Matrix - with one item in each spot:
Best Case Scenario
Worst Case Scenario
Bring your i-clicker to class
23 Oct - Tues |
Take a look at my message on ASULearn
to you regarding your course average [which I will post by Monday]
Begin working on the Taking Sides reading for Thursday
We will complete research session 1 and then switch to session 2, so
everyone should tape up their work at the beginning of class.
18 Oct - Thur |
Research Project 2
On the Shoulders of Giants -
Two-Page Timeline, Presentation and
Annotated References
Abbott's library guide
16 Oct - Tues |
Work on research project 2 due Thursday.
9 Oct - Tues |
Meet in room 026 in the basement of the library for class.
Look for my ASULearn message responding to yours which
commented on your project 2 topic ideas [I finished sending my responses on
Sunday]. After reading my response, come to the library having chosen
a topic for the timeline assignment
Revise lens 2 [what impacts success in farming] research notes and the 1/2
page summary [which can now be 3/4 page single-spaced]
using my suggestions on the rubric and class discussion, as well
as additional research in the latter part of the book and our class discussion
on formal writing. Turn in your original
with my comments and rubric along with the revision.
This revision will count as 50% of the project grade.
4 Oct - Thur |
Reflection on Genetically Modified Food
By the end of the evening on Thursday, Message me
on ASULearn some ideas for Project 2
[go to Participants, find my name, and send me a message].
If you asked for class tickets for Noises Off, then I will
hand them out in class, and we'll meet in our
assigned seats at 7:15ish at the Valborg Theatre.
2 Oct - Tues |
Discussion Questions:
Taking Sides Reading on Genetically Modified Food p. 190-209.
[This topic was chosen by the class survey.]
1) What are the various academic fields or subjects that relate to the articles?
2) What cause/effect relationships (or if... then... statements) were stated or implied by each author? [List them all]
3) Research the credentials of each author and summarize what you found.
4) Create a Decision Matrix:
Best Case Scenario
Worst Case Scenario
Bring your i-clicker to class
27 Sep - Thur |
Read through research project 2
and write down any questions you have
Look through the Defining Moments rental
book for topics you are interested in. Write down at least 2 topics that
interest you.
Begin working on revisions for research project 1 for lens 2, due Oct 9
25 Sep - Tues |
Reflection Faculty Interview
Bring the summer reading book to class with you.
20 Sep - Thur |
Reflection for Taking Sides class discussion on Should "Intelligent Design" be Taught in Schools?
18 Sep - Tues |
Bring your i-Clicker to class.
Discussion Questions: (To Turn In)
Taking Sides: "Should Intelligent" Design be Taught in Schools?
p. 16-33
[as chosen by the class survey]:
1) What are the various academic fields or subjects that relate to the
2) What cause/effect relationships (or if... then... statements) were
stated or implied by each author? [List them all]
3) Research the credentials of each author and summarize what you found.
4) For each side, list the most compelling argument(s).
13 Sep - Thur |
Set up an appointment for the faculty interview assignment [see 9/25]
Those with tickets to the Kruger Brothers,
we'll meet outside Rosen Concert Hall at 7:40pm.
11 Sep - Tues |
Research Project 1: Summer Reading
Data Collection is due
6 Sep - Thur |
Meet for
in Walker 308 between 8:45am and 9am. We will share some
donuts/breakfast bars together, walk over and sit together. All first-year
seminar students
are required to attend - classes are cancelled until 12:30 for this purpose.
Assignment during convocation:
Discussion Questions: (To Turn In at the start of class at 3:30)
Take notes on the aspects of convocation that relate to
science or mathematics and any aspects that are controversial.
4 Sep - Tues |
Reflection on class discussions related to either
How we could tell that the earth is round or The Sixth
Extinction. See guidelines for reflections
30 Aug - Thur |
Continue working on research project 1.
Bring the Sixth Extinction article to class.
If you didn't complete all the hw for Tuesday, be sure to do so
28 Aug - Tues |
Read research project 1
and begin working on it [due Sep 11] and write down any questions you have.
Obtain the two course books Taking Sides, 10th edition
for purchase and Defining Moments for rental and the i-clicker
for rental, all from the bookstore.
Bring the i-clicker to all classes.
Bring the Sixth Extinction article to class.
If you did not complete the ASULearn surveys on Taking Sides and
Performing Arts - from day 1 of class - then complete them.
Go to ASULearn and add a picture of yourself [click on participants,
then your name, then edit profile.]
23 Aug- Thur |
Read through the online syllabus -
search google for Dr. Sarah, click on my page, and click on the First
Year Seminar link and then the Syllabus link. Prepare to share something
you read in the Our First Year Seminar (FYS) section,
and write down any questions you have on the grading policies - the university
considers this a binding contract between us.
Go to ASULearn and add a picture of yourself [click on participants,
then your name, then edit profile.]