Class Highlights
Mon Dec 10 12-2:30 Research Project 3:
Unsolved Question.
Thur Dec 6
Finish equations
[Down with fractions
and beauty in equations].
Hand out SYNC cause and effects.
Finish SYNC.
Pants.pdf research. Move to 209b for evals.
1. University evaluation for this course via the email you received
2. ASULearn Anonymous Advice for Next Semester Survey
Tues Dec 4
DNA clicker questions
Michael Coble
and Romanov DNA. DNA testing in general.
Discuss in groups: ethics of
experimentation and
integrity at Appalachian.
Begin SYNC clicker questions and discussion.
Thur Nov 29 Complete the
discussion questions on the research article Mystery Solved:
The Identification of the Two Missing Romanov Children Using DNA Analysis.
Tues Nov 27 Library research - meet in 026 - on the final project.
Tues Nov 20
Should We Reject the Goal of the Genetically,
Electronically, and Mechanically Enhanced Human Being?
Clicker questions and class discussion
If time remains, then move to the computer lab 205.
Thur Nov 15 Discuss hw on games, as well as research from
last class.
Go over the webpages.
Begin equations.
Tues Nov 13
Discuss Nova's "The Proof" including
controversies in the video.
MathSciNet for Author: Wiles, A* Look at MR1333036 and MR1333035.
Also do "Search for Full Text" and try to pull up the actual articles.
How is research different from problem solving?
Research on Games: How do you generate knowledge?
19 nice ones
What the Hex? and
game board
Knight's Tour
Tower of Hanoi
Texas Hold-em
Thur Nov 8
Discuss Placebos
GE experiment via i-clicker.
Continue the theme of mathematical certainty versus statistical
correlation. Nova's "The Proof" ~43 mp4 and
Discuss Henderson
Tues Nov 6
Decision Matrix for Do Humans Belong in Space.
Cause/Effect statements. Why I chose the TED video. Other discussion.
Myers-Briggs discussion and activities. Budget FT. Test SN.
Truth and Consequences continued: Egg Bungee winners and comments.
Random number
Experiment, Excel analyses, chi test and p-value, including expected value of 5.2 from SUM(B2:B11)/10 and briefly mention the chi test [(B2-C2)^2/C2, CHITEST(B2:B11,C2:C11)] and p-value (are the observations statistically significant or can the differences be ascribed to random variations of chance?) Discuss whether the human mind can provide a random number.
Benford's Law
Review cause/effect and correlations and the
connection to input and output of functions.
Vietnam draft data,
and boxplots via
Thur Nov 1
Write on a piece of paper:
Why do I prioritize giving people who haven't spoken a chance
to speak over other issues that might make a better flowing classroom
discussion? Revisit
Day 1 Slides on outcomes and themes
Critical Analysis: Pros, Cons and Making Decisions.
Truth and Consequences, Experimentation, Proof
1. Work on Egg Bungee Experiment
and enter the data in Excel in 205
2. Take the
3. On ASULearn message me the Myers-Briggs type that the test gave you.
4. On ASULearn, take the survey
5. If you are finished before we return to the classroom,
then begin working on hw for Tuesday
Tues Oct 30 SNOW DAY
TED video, which brings up intelligent design (in another context) and
historical innovation up to about 6:40 - most impressive craft
Thur Oct 25 Finish Research Project 2 presentations.
Discuss Do Humans Belong in Space?: Clicker questions:
Which article did you find most convincing?
a) Yes (The Future of Human Spaceflight: Are Astronauts Close to
Extinction?) by Jeff Foust
b) No (Delusions of Space Enthusiasts) by Neil deGrasse Tyson
Do humans belong in space?
a) definitely yes
b) probably
c) probably not
d) definitely not
Do robots belong in space?
a) definitely yes
b) probably
c) probably not
d) definitely not
Do satellites belong in orbit?
a) definitely yes
b) probably
c) probably not
d) definitely not
Which best describes how you feel about money spent on the development
of space exploration?
a) Innovations in one area often lead to innovations in other areas,
including fast
improvements in the quality of life, so we should contine to spend money.
[Examples from space include invisible braces, scratch-resistant lenses,
memory foam, ear thermometer, shoe insoles, long-distance telecommunications,
safety grooving on roads, cordless tools, water filters...]
b) Innovations in this area will be important in the future, such
as evacuating the earth in the event of a disaster, traveling elsewhere
to obtain resources for earth...
c) We should stop spending money in this area and focus on domestic
interests instead
d) We should not spend money on space exploration
because we do not belong in space -
only on the earth
Tues Oct 23 Continue Research Project 2 presentations
Thur Oct 18 Research Project 2 presentations.
Tues Oct 16
Discuss Noises Off. Take questions on research project 2.
Hand out the rubric.
Divide up the class via like areas. Decide who will be in research session
1 and who will be in session 2.
Revisit Lisa Abbott's library guide. Mention Sarah's connection to the library.
Continue faculty research: my research.
Take question. Mention
Benford's Law.
Go to 205 and
- fill out Taking Sides (take 2) survey.
- Read the University Activities Starting Oct 15 forum posting
- Then search for diverse mathematicians and scientists from diverse
cultures and timeframes that relate to your timeline.
Tues Oct 9 Library research with Lisa Abbott
Thur Oct 4Hand out Noises Off tickets.
Library tutorials: Searching the Library Catalog, Searching the Library
Databases, Phrase Searching. Mention CQ Researcher, and search for
Genetically Modified Food there, including the Pro/Con and Chronology
Features. Search for Intelligent Design and look at the Chronology,
including the wording "British biologist Charles Darwin."
Search the library for information on me, including the
Encyclopedia of Mathematics and Society, and such topics as roller
coaster. Continue faculty research:
my research.
Tues Oct 2 Finish with Connor and Drew. Showcase
mathematics and science activities online. Genetically Modified food.
Thur Sep 27
Finish Breakthroughs amidst all the controversies via observational
studies and
controlled experiments - evidenced based causation:
Bradford Hill
Discuss the topics in Defining Moments that you were interested
in. Discuss the faculty interview reflection.
Tues Sep 25
Good writing continued
Discuss the first project.
If time remains, go to the computer lab and search for topics of
interest from the
Science Times,
Mathematics Articles in the NY Times,
Slashdot: News for nerds, stuff
that matters
or other recent items (in the last 4 months) from
science or mathematics blogs or news articles
Thur Sep 20 Any additional Intelligent Design/evolution
comments or research? Collect the reflections. Turn back the
discussion questions and highlight some of the causal/if...then implications.
Discuss cause/effects versus correlations
Breakthroughs amidst all the controversies via observational studies and
controlled experiments - evidenced based causation:
Bradford Hill
Tues Sep 18 We'll revisit a general/liberal arts education
in a number of ways - for now, we'll let some of the ideas percolate,
especially within the context of the general education courses you are
taking. The concept of letting ideas settle for a while...
Taking Sides:
Should "Intelligent Design" be Taught in Schools?
Collect the responses to the discussion questions.
Begin with clicker questions.
Which best describes your stance?
a) Intelligent Design should definitely be taught in science classes
b) Intelligent Design should probably be taught in science classes
c) Intelligent Design should probably not be taught in science classes
d) Intelligent Design should definitely not be taught in science classes
In High School?
a) yes
b) no
In College?
a) yes
b) no
Which best describes which statement you would agree with?
a) There is a growing threat to the teaching of science through the inclusion of non-scientifically based 'alternatives' in sciences courses throughout the nation.
This is one example. Intelligent Design might be taught in other types of
classes like FYS, but not in science courses.
b) Part of the education is to expose people to different schools of
so we should teach Intelligent Design in science courses.
Do you know were the italicized quotes came from?
Thur Sep 13
Discuss the faculty interview assignment searching.
Discuss class expectations as well as support.
Build connections by writing down as many people's names in the class as
you know.
a) 0-2
b) 3-5
c) 6-8
d) 9-11
e) 12 or above
We have discussed academic reading (via Frankenstein and mass
extinctions), academic writing, and academic discussion. We'll begin
a broader discussion today about general education (with a reflection coming
later in the semester):
Liz Coleman's call to reinvent liberal arts
Discuss the video.
Tues Sep 11
How many mathematics/science items related to convocation did you
turn in?
a) 1
b) 2
c) 3
d) 4-5
e) 6 and more
How many controversial items related to convocation did you turn in?
a) 1-2
b) 3-4
c) 5-6
d) 7-8
e) above 8
Discuss the excellent class discussions so far. Mention the flat
earth society again and discuss the frustration that can arise when
someone completely disagrees with a viewpoint that seems nonsensical
to us.
Collect research project 1.
We'll discuss the book and project once you have your graded first draft
back. Any comments on the TED video on crows?
Discuss upcoming due dates including the first Taking Sides
readings and the Faculty Interview. Discuss the PAS tickets.
Move to the computer lab.
Search for at least two faculty that you are interested in interviewing for
the Faculty Interview Reflection.
Thur Sep 6 Meet for convocation.
Discuss convocation. Clicker questions on convocation.
If time remains, then watch and discuss the TED video
Tues Sep 4 Discuss convocation and performing arts tickets.
Discuss the reflection.
Peer review: write down your name and
at least two positive aspects and two suggestions for
Discuss updates to the webpage,
"good writing".
Thur Aug 30Continue discussing The Sixth Extinction
Which best describes your belief about mass extinctions?
a) Strongly believe that we should let nature take it's course
b) Somewhat believe that we should let nature take it's course
c) Neutral
d) Somewhat believe that we should intervene or change behaviors
e) Strongly believe that we should intervene or change behaviors
IDS and Credibility slide
Introduction to the library: search for sixth extinction and
Kolbert. Look at the subjects and the book article.
Guidelines for reflections
Discuss good writing via the slides.
Discuss convocation.
Build connections with each other via the slides
Tues Aug 28
Register the i-clicker
Of the following, what is the most compelling argument (to you)
about ways we could know that the earth was round without modern technology?
a) The sun and moon are round so the earth should be (originally attributed to Pythagoras)
b) Ships disappearing on a clear day appear to sink
c) Stars change as we change latitude and overlaps flip when we pass over the equator
d) Directions of hurricanes change from Northern to Southern Hemisphere (Coriolis force)
e) On midsummers day at noon, Syene (Aswan) made no shadows, while Alexandria did (Eratosthenes used this to calculate the circumference of the earth)
Go over advice from previous students. Take questions on Research Project
Thursday, when you read The Sixth Extinction
to answer RQ1 and RQ2, which best
describes your methodology:
a) I read the article and then skimmed back over it a second time to
the questions.
b) On the first and only reading,
I read specifically for the questions and took note of the responses
as I came to them.
c) I read the article once, and I then answered the questions from
d) Other
Continue The Sixth Extinction by Elizabeth Kolbert.
LaTeX Beamer slides. Pages 2-4 (6 sides):
RQ3: Methods for experimentation or the formation of
(One method is to isolate a sample of frogs from their environment.)
Thur Aug 23
Share from the syllabus or class on Tuesday.
Go through advice from
last semester.
Go in to ASULearn and mention the messages there that can be sent from the
Participants link.
Academic reading - Frankenstein and reading research.
The Sixth Extinction by Elizabeth Kolbert.
LaTeX Beamer slides.
Tues Aug 21
Discuss what is a seminar? Overview of FYS and the course.
Discussion Question:
How could we know that the earth is round without using modern technology?
Interdisciplinary connections and flat earth society.
LaTeX Beamer slides.
Move to the computer lab: ASULearn surveys