Maria Gaetana Agnesi

My name is Danny Eldreth, and I researched and wrote a paper about Maria Gaetana Agnesi for a Women in Mathematics course taught by Dr. Sarah Greenwald at Appalachian State University. If you are interested in early female mathematicians, I encourage you to take a look at what I found out about Maria Agnesi.

Very little is known about many early women mathematicians. Many women experienced prejudices because of their sex, therefore limiting their success and acknowledgements in many fields such as mathematics. Maria Agnesi is a pioneering female mathematician who was able to publish in her name, and one of her books became a widely used Calculus text. Within Maria's text, she developed a curve that became known as the "Witch of Agnesi" due to a mistranslation.

My Paper on Maria Agnesi's Life
Maria Agnesi's Math from My Paper
Works Cited in My Paper
References Concerning Maria Agnesi and My Comments on Their Effectiveness
Influences for Maria writing her Calculus Text