2240 class highlights
Fri May 10 9-11:30am
final research sessions
Thur May 2
- Write down and turn in your topic and name(s) [one per group]
- Fill out the "Planning for the Future of Math 2240" handout and turn it in
up front in the envelope. Do NOT list your name.
- Take any questions on test revisions or the final research sessions
- Discuss the Final Research sessions -
share topics with each other, what session each person is in, and peer
- Upper level courses I teach include
Differential Geometry MAT 4140, Senior Capstone MAT 4040,
Instructional Assistant MAT 3520
- Course evaluations
Tues Apr 30
Take questions on the final project
Look at MatrixInverse(P).A.P, which
has the eigenvalues on the diagonal - definition of diagonalizability and
Derivation that for eigenvectors x for A, Akx =
lambda kx
Derivation that
A P = P times the diagonal matrix of eigenvalues [which is how we showed that
MatrixInverse(P).A.P = Diag]
Execute in Maple:
What geometric transformation is Diag?
Notice that P.Diag.MatrixInverse(P) = A by matrix algebra.
Writing out a transformation in terms of a P, the inverse of P, and a
diagonal matrix will prove very useful in computer graphics
[Recall that we read matrix composition from right to left].
Geometric intuition of
P.Diag.MatrixInverse(P) = A
If we want to project a vector onto the y=tan(theta) x line,
first we can perform MatrixInverse(P) which takes a vector and rotates it
counterclockwise by theta. Next we perform Diag,
which projects onto the x-axis, and finally we perform P, which rotates
clockwise by theta
Linear Transformations
Mention the spectrum, the spectrum of the Laplacian [divergence of
gradient], heat equation...
Thur Apr 25 Test 3
Tues Apr 23 Collect hw and discuss.
If the reduced augmented matrix for the system (A-lambdaI)x=0 is
Matrix([[0,0,0],[0,0,0]]) then the (real) eigenvectors of A are:
a) Just the 0 vector works
b) A line through the origin
c) All of R2
d) A subspace of R3 (with 3 coordinates)
e) None of the above
True or False:
a) True
b) False and I have a correction
c) False and I have a counterexample
d) False and I have both a correction and a counterexample
e) False but I have neither a correction nor a counterexample
Thur Apr 18
#6-8 in 2.8 clicker questions.
Chap 5 clicker questions
Tues Apr 16
In Maple execute
Eigenvector clicker questions.
Explain why the eigenvectors of Matrix([[1,2],[2,1]])
satisfy the definitions of span and li
by setting up the corresponding equations and solving.
li := [P|Vector([0,0])]
Eigenvector decomposition for a diagonalizable matrix A [where the
eigenvectors form a basis]
Foxes and Rabbits demo on ASULearn
Dynamical Systems and Eigenvectors on ASULearn
Thur Apr 11
Take questions on the homework.
#5 in 2.8 clicker questions.
Define eigenvalues and eigenvectors [Ax=lambdax, vectors that are scaled on
the same line through the origin, matrix multiplication is turned into scalar
Geometry of Eigenvectors.
Algebra: Show that we can solve using det(lambdaI-A)=0 and (lambdaI-A)x=0.
Compute the eigenvectors of Matrix([[0,1],[1,0]] by-hand and compare with
Maple's work.
Eigenvectors and eigenvalues of Matrix([[1,2],[2,1]) in Maple.
Tues Apr 9
#1 in 2.8 clicker questions.
Begin 2.8 in order to lead to eigenvalues and
applications (2.8, 4.9 and 5.1, 5.2, 5.3 and 5.6 selections, 7.1 as time
Thur Apr 4
Take questions on the hw.
Continue determinant work via the
relationship of row operations to the geometry of determinants via
a demo on ASULearn. Prove that det A non-zero can be added into Theorem
8 in Chapter 2. Algebraic and geometric derivations related to the
clicker questions on inverses and
Thur Mar 28 Test 2
Tues Mar 26 Take questions on test 2.
clicker questions on inverses and
determinants, reviewing Laplace's expansion method, connections to the
theorem in chapter 2...
Thur Mar 21
Discuss Yoda via the file yoda2.mw with
data from Lucasfilm LTD as on
Tim's Page which
has the data.
Begin chapter 3 via a google search:
application of determinants in physics
application of determinants in economics
application of determinants in chemistry
application of determinants in computer science
Eight queens and determinants
Chapter 3 in Maple via MatrixInverse command for 2x2 and 3x3 matrices and
then determinant work, including 2x2 and 3x3 diagonals methods, and Laplace's
expansion method in general.
Tues Mar 19
Clicker questions
Computer graphics continued, including the
benefit of derivatives and
unit length vectors in keeping a car on a
race track - demo on ASULearn.
Thur Mar 7
Finish the last guess the Transformation on ASULearn [1.8, 1.9]
Review the unit circle
general geometric transformations on
R2 [1.8, 1.9]
Computer graphics Demo on ASULearn [2.7]
Tues Mar 5
Review guidelines for Problem Sets, including
You have more
time to work on fewer problems than practice exercises - Maple,
interesting applications...
Counterexamples for false
statements [If A then B counterexample: A is true but the conclusion
B is false]
Annotated work / explanations that show your critical reasoning
In 2.3 # 12, in the instructions before 11, A is given as nxn
In the Condition Number problem, be careful of my additional
instructions (inverse method
with fractions...)
Computer graphics and linear transformations (1.8, 1.9, 2.3 and 2.7)
Begin with dilations
Revisit Theorem 8 in 2.3 by incorporating the language of linear
transformations [while also covering 1-1 and onto material in 1.9]
Thur Feb 28
2.3 clicker questions
2.1 clicker questions #10
Catalog description: A study of vectors, matrices and linear
transformations, principally in two and three dimensions, including
treatments of systems of linear equations, determinants, and
-2.1-2.3 Applications: Coding, Condition Number and Linear
Transformations (2.3, 1.8, 1.9 and 2.7)
-Chapter 3 determinants and applications
-Eigenvalues and applications (2.8, 4.9 and chap 5 selections,
7.1... as time allows)
-Final research
sessions [research a topic related to the course that you are
interested in]
Hill Cipher
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
F |
G |
H |
I |
J |
K |
L |
M |
N |
O |
P |
Q |
R |
S |
T |
U |
V |
W |
X |
Y |
Z |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
11 |
12 |
13 |
14 |
15 |
16 |
17 |
18 |
19 |
20 |
21 |
22 |
23 |
24 |
25 |
26 |
Condition # of matrices
Maple file on Coding and Condition Number and
PDF version
Tues Feb 26
Finish 2.2. 2.2 clicker questions.
Begin 2.3.
Thur Feb 21 Continue with 2.1 and 2.2.
Transpose of a matrix via Wikipedia, including Arthur Cayley.
Applications including least squares estimates, such as in linear regression,
data given as rows (like Yoda).
Continue 2.1 clicker questions #6-9.
Inverse of a matrix.
twobytwo := Matrix([[a, b], [c, d]]);
three := Matrix([[a, b, c], [d, e, f], [g, h, i]]);
scalerow3 := Matrix([[1, 0, 0], [0, 5, 0], [0, 0, 1]]);
swaprows13 := Matrix([[0, 0, 1], [0, 1, 0], [1, 0, 0]]);
usualrowop := Matrix([[1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [-2, 0, 1]]);
Tues Feb 19 Test 1
Thur Feb 14
Problem Set 2 clicker questions
Hand out the study guide and
take questions on test 1.
Tues Feb 12
Continue via 2.1 clicker questions
Powerpoint file.
Matrix multiplication
Matrix algebra
Linear maps
Algebra of matrix multiplication: AB and BA...
End of Material for Test 1
Thur Feb 7 Take questions on the ASULearn solutions. Continue
Chap 1 review clicker questions
Image 1
Image 2
Image 3
Image 4
Image 5
Image 6
Image 7.
Problem Set 2 clicker questions
Tues Feb 5 Collect hw and take questions.
Span: represent. Linearly Independent: efficiency
In R^2, span but not li, li but not span, li plus span. R^3.
Coffee mixing clicker questions
Chap 1 review clicker questions
Thur Feb 1 Collect hw and take questions.
1.5: vector parametrization equations of homogeneous and non-homogeneous
1.1-1.4 clicker questions
Tues Jan 29 Collect hw. 1.4
Thur Jan 24 Collect problem set 1.
History of linear equations and the term "linear algebra"
images, including the Babylonians 2x2 linear
equations, the
Chinese 3x3 column elimination method over 2000 years ago, Gauss' general
method arising from geodesy and least squares methods for celestial
computations, and Wilhelm Jordan's contributions.
Gauss quotation. Gauss was also involved in
other linear algebra, including the
history of vectors, another important "linear" algebra.
vectors, scalar mult and addition, linear combinations and weights,
vector equations and connection to 1.1 and 1.2 systems of equations and
augmented matrix, span
1.3 clicker questions 1, 2, 4, and
and 6.
Tues Jan 22
Collect homework. Take questions.
1.1 and 1.2 Clicker Questions.
Go over text comments in Maple and distinguishing work as your own.
We already saw examples of matrices with 0 solutions, via parallel planes, as well as 3 planes that just don't intersect concurrently:
implicitplot3d({x-2*y+z-2, x+y-2*z-3, (-2)*x+y+z-1}, x = -4 .. 4, y = -4 .. 4, z = -4 .. 4)
implicitplot3d({x+y+z-3, x+y+z-2, x+y+z-1}, x = -4 .. 4, y = -4 .. 4, z = -4 .. 4)
Thur Jan 17
Register the i-clickers.
Collect homework. Share from the syllabus or from class on Tuesday or hw
(questions or what you learned)
Mention solutions on
ASULearn and the fact that in solutions
I often do much more than what the question asked you to do in order to
help you understand the bigger-picture and/or diverse methods and
Revisit the geometry using implicitplot3d,
number of missing pivots, and parametrization of
x+y+z=1 in R3.
Algebraic and geometric perspectives in 3-D and solving using by-hand
elimination, and ReducedRowEchelon and
3 equations 2 unknowns with one solution in the plane R2,
3 equations 3 unknowns with infinite solutions, one solution and no
solutions in R3.
Tues Jan 15
Fill out the information sheet
and work on the introduction to linear algebra handout motivated from
Evelyn Boyd Granville's favorite problem.
At the same time, begin 1.1 and 1.2 including geometric perspectives,
by-hand algebraic Gaussian Elimination and pivots,
plotting and geometry, parametrization and GaussianElimination in Maple.
In addition, do #5 with
k as an unknown but constant coefficient. Prove using geometry of lines
that the
number of solutions of a system
with 2 equations and 2 unknowns is 0, 1 or infinite.
Look at the geometry, number of missing pivots, and parametrization of
Mention homework and the class webpages