Exam 2 Study Guide: Cumulative + 1.8, 1.9, 2.7, 2.8, 3.1-3.3, 5.1, 5.2,
parts of 5.6, 6.1, and applications
At the Test
You may make yourself some reference notes on the small card I hand out (additional cards are on my door if you need to rewrite it).
The reference card must be handwritten. Think of the card as a way to include some important examples or concepts that you aren't as
comfortable with. You won't have room for everything, and you should try to internalize as much as you can.
A calculator will be allowed (but no cell phone nor other calculators bundled in combination with additional technologies) but is not required.
You may have out food, hydration, ear plugs, or similar if they will help you (however any ear plugs must be standalone--no cell phone, internet or other technological connections)
There will be various types of questions on the test and your grade will be based on the quality of your responses in a timed environment.
Partial credit will be given, so (if you have time) showing your reasoning or thoughts on questions you are unsure of can help your grade.
Here is a sample partial test and solutions
so that you can see an example of the formatting and style of
questions. As listed there you will see three sections that are typeset professionally (using LaTeX):
Fill in the blank
Computations and Interpretations / Analyses
True/False Questions
As such the test will be a mixture of computational and definition
questions as well as critical reasoning and questions involving the "big
picture." Some students in the past have reported that they found it helpful to go through the sample partial test, review other problems we covered, skim solutions, and
read through the glossary on
ASULearn. Videos are available to help you review.
I'm happy to help you in office hours, Zoom, or on the ASULearn forums--for
example, you can bring in the sample test and go through it with me, or
ask me any other questions you have. We'll also spend part of the class before the test on some review activities,
and I will take some class time to answer any questions.
Problems Covered
Most questions are adapted from or taken right from exercises we had for
homework, problem set questions, and clicker
although they may be rephrased or repackaged to further develop
critical thinking and problem-solving skills (I'm trying to help you develop your linear independence!), so I suggest that
you review those solutions on ASULearn and from notes you took during class.
I am happy to help you with
any related material you need to brush up on.
worksheet on guess the transformation
1.9 24 a & 24 e
2.7 1, 3, 5, 7, 9
1.6 7, 9, 10, 14, 15, 16, 28
worksheet on definitions in 2.7 and 1.6
clicker questions on linear transformations
glossary for linear transformations
3.1 1, 15, 21, 25, 39b, 46
3.2 37, 42
3.3 19, 23, 25
worksheet on determinants
clicker questions in chapter 3
2.8 11, 13, 17, 21 c, d, 23, 38
worksheet on 2.8
clicker questions in 2.8
5.1 2, 3, 11, 21 c, d, e, 24, 31, 33, 36
5.2 1, 2
5.6 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 10
worksheet on chapter 5
worksheet on definitions in 3, 2.8, and 5
clicker questions in chapter 5
glossary for 6.1, chapter 3, and chapter 5 terms
review worksheet #1
review worksheet #2
Problem Set 4
Topics Covered
review slides
class highlights page
Some Maple Commands
Here are some Maple commands you should be pretty familiar with by now
for this test - i.e. I will at times show a command, and it may be
with or without
its output: