MAT 4310 Class Notes

Index of /~wmcb/Class/4310/ClassNotes


[   ]python_tutorial.pdf ⇐ Intro to Python
[   ]Zombie Diffusion.pdf 
[   ]Topics_Test1_Summary.pdf 
[   ]Test2.pdf 
[   ]Test1.pdf 
[   ]TaylorsThm.pdf ⇐ Taylor's theorem and proof
[   ]TaylorTwoVariables.pdf ⇐ Taylor's theorem and proof
[   ]TaylorDEs.pdf ⇐ Taylor's theorem and proof
[TXT] ⇐ Maple worksheet
[   ]Stability.pdf 
[   ]SecantMethod.pdf ⇐ Secant method error bound and proof
[   ]Romberg_Program_Listings.pdf 
[TXT] ⇐ Python program
[   ] ⇐ Python program
[TXT] ⇐ Maple worksheet
[   ]RK45_Adaptive.pdf 
[TXT] ⇐ Maple worksheet
[TXT] ⇐ Maple worksheet
[TXT]RK4 and Euler ⇐ Maple worksheet
[   ]Python_Intro.pdf ⇐ Python class notes
[TXT]Pred Prey ⇐ Maple worksheet
[   ]PortablePython_2.7.3.2.exe ⇐ Portable Python installer (Windows only)
[   ]Num Analysis History by Benzi.pdf 
[   ]NewtonsMethod.pdf ⇐ Newton's method error bound and proof
[   ]MAT4310_TopicsList.pdf 
[   ]LinearProgrammingNotes.pdf 
[TXT]GaussianNodesWeights20.txt ⇐ Gaussian-20 nodes and weights
[TXT]Gaussian Elim Scaled Partial ⇐ Maple worksheet
[   ]GaussKronrod7_15.pdf ⇐ Gauss-Kronrod 7-15 nodes and weights
[   ]GaussElimPivoting.pdf 
[TXT] ⇐ Gauss-Kronrod 7-15 program
[   ] ⇐ Python program
[   ]FinalExam.pdf 
[   ] ⇐ Python program
[   ] ⇐ Python program
[   ]Adaptive_Simpsons_Rule.pdf 

(Click on a file name above to view/download it.)
P Fermat G Leibniz I Newton J Fourier A-L Cauchy B Riemann K Weierstrass D Hilbert H Lebesgue W E Kayhote

Last design update: Aug 1, 2012

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This is Bunny, his minion Patch, his henchman Franz, and his wife Bunnina.
Copy Bunny into your signature to help him on his way to world domination.